Page 27 of Holy Hell

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He sighed. There had to have been thousands of individuals he’d worked with over the centuries, and each one held a special place in his heart. During his downtime, he often dropped by to visit with them, to engage in a spirited debate, or to simply have a cup of tea while watching the sun set. Every person was different. Every one was special to Alcy.

So what makes Carter so unique? What elevates Carter to a whole other level of special, after such a comparatively short time?

He thought back to the day he’d assumed Carter had chosen Beez. Carter’s reaction had made him feel ten feet tall. Alcy could picture him in Heaven, making people smile.Just like he makes me smile.

What came to mind was an image of the three of them sitting together up on high, holding their breath as the sun dipped below the horizon and a peaceful, momentary hush settled on them. A moment of shared contentment.

Wait—what’sBeezdoing there? He’s never evenbeenupstairs.If Alcy were honest, he couldn’t see Beez doing so anytime soon. But there he was, in Alcy’s fantasy, the three of them, clearly happy to be together.

The thought made Alcy’s heart light, but it also annoyed him. He thought he’d left those aberrant fantasies about Beez behind centuries ago. Alcy knew how the universe worked. An angel and a demon couldneverbe together like that. That hadn’t seemed to matter back then, when Beez had consumed Alcy’s thoughts constantly for a while. He’d melt when he saw that devilish smile, and his heart would thump wildly when he saw Beez parading around totally naked.

What made it all the weirder was that Alcyneverhad thoughts like that. No angel did. But that didn’t explain the surge of something almost… electric through him when he saw Beez, the way every nerve ending lit up.

Not that Beez would ever know. Alcy knew what would happen if that came about. Beez would laugh his ass off. An angel, having such unholy thoughts about a demon? Especially when that demon was Beez?

Not that Beez would be capable of keepingthatto himself. He’d have to tell everyone, and Alcy knew exactly what would happen next.

He would be the laughingstock of the hosts.

And yet there he lay, staring at Beez’s hand on his arm, aware of tingling sensations throughout his body.What would it be like if I just reached out and let my fingers glide over that crimson skin?Would it excite Beez?

Of course it would. Beez was a sex demon, after all. More than once in the past, he’d remarked that all it took to get him worked up was a stiff breeze.

A knock at the door startled Alcy, and he hurriedly pulled his arm from Beez’s grasp. Beez let out a soft snuffle, and for a moment Alcy missed their connection.

What connection? It was all in my imagination.

The door opened, Carter stepped into the room, and it was as if light flooded every corner.

In that moment, Alcy knew what he felt was attraction, something he’d never experienced with a summoner.But it’s not just Carter, is it? You feel the same way about Beez.

And all he had to do was just let himself go…

No. No. No. Alcy knew he had to banish such thoughts from his mind, because an angelic host wasgood. Pure. Decent. They didn’t think about their summoner, nor did they entertain such sensual thoughts about a demon.

Then why am I thinking them?

Even if he had such thoughts, he knew he’d never act on them.


Chapter Ten

Alcy stood at the stove, sliding the spatula through some of the vegan egg mixture that Carter had picked up on their recent shopping trip. The delightful smell perfumed the air, combining with the veggies he was sautéing in the other pan. It wasn’t often he had a chance to cook for someone. He was well versed in all manner of cuisines, and putting together a meal that Carter and Beez would enjoy—especially one that used no animal products—was fun.

The potato mixture was done, so Alcy slid the pan into the oven to open up the other burner. He thought about making some french toast or pancakes, but he figured what he had now, plus some toasted brioche, would make for a delightful meal. He couldn’t explain the thrill that zipped through him at having a chance to feed his men. He shook his head.Themen. It would fill their tummies and give them energy to face the day.

A key slipping into the lock put Alcy on alert. He turned as the door opened, ready to protect Carter, should the need arise. When another young man stepped into the room, an insane jealousy flooded Alcy. Who was this? Why was he in Carter’s apartment?

“Can I help you?” Alcy asked, doing his best to keep his anger in check.

“Who are you?” the man demanded. His gaze raked over Alcy, who only had on a pair of low-slung jeans. The sight didn’t appear to impress him.

Alcy clenched his hands. “My name is none of your concern. Why are you in Carter’s apartment?”

The young man barked out a laugh. “Carter’s apartment?Carter’s? Should we contact the landlord, because I’m suremyname is on that lease agreement too.”

But how could??Oh, he had to be the roommate. “You’re Daniel.”
