Page 62 of Holy Hell

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His dad was on his knees, sucking their pastor’s cock, and his mom was sucking his father’s.

Pastor Ken grabbed Dad’s hair, forcing him to look up. “I can’t wait to get back in that ass. Been dreaming about it all week.”

“Mmm,” Mom mumbled around the thick length in her mouth. She pulled off, a string of saliva connecting her lips to the head of Dad’s dick. “I can’t wait to see you balls deep in him again.”

What the everlovin’fuck?

Carter choked. “Mom?”

She jerked her head around, her eyes huge. “Carter!” Suddenly, there was a flurry of activity as they all scrambled to cover up. Mom and Dad ran to their bedroom, and the Pastor grabbed a throw pillow off the couch, holding it in front of his erect cock, his legs shaking.

“I-It’s not what it looks like!” he sputtered.

Shock robbed Carter of all speech as Beez stepped forward, his face contorted by rage. “Really? Because itlookslike you were getting your dick sucked by Carter’s father, and his mother was blowing him. Andyouwere talking about fucking him.” Beez glared. “Or are we all having a hallucination?”

Mom and Dad stumbled out of their room, this time dressed but a little disheveled. Dad clutched her hand, and her eyes were wild.

Carter finally found his voice, and he didn’t hold back. “What thefuckis going on?”

“Honey, language,” she said quickly.

He barked out a laugh. “Oh, you donotget to talk to me about my language, not when you just finished telling Pastor Ken here that you… you… I can’t even repeat the words. He glared at the Pastor. “Youtell me, then. What the fuck is going on here?”

“We can explain, if you’ll listen,” Dad pleaded. “Please.”

Carter wasn’t in the mood to hear explanations. His whole fucking life, he’d listened to these… hypocrites. And to find out they were having a threesome with the anti-gay pastor who’d made Carter question himself more than once? Nothing any of them could say would change what he’d just seen.Where is eye bleach when you really need it?

Alcy gripped his upper arm. “Hear them out—please.”

His heartbeat climbed down a little at Alcy’s conciliatory tone. Of course he’d play the mediator—it was as if he was born to the role. Carter was torn between listening to his lover and raging at the parents who’d been lying to him this whole time.

His rage wouldnotbe deflected.

“Why? Why the hell should I?” Alcy’s wince pained him, but he couldn’t keep the words inside a second longer. “My entire fucking life, they rode me about being the perfect Christian, about how being gay was a one-way ticket to Hell. And now I walk in here to find out my own father ready to be dicked in the ass by the same man who condemned me.” Carter wrapped his arms around himself, wishing they were armor. This fuckinghurt. His whole life he’d wished and prayed to be different, to be straight, just so he wouldn’t have to lie to his parents.

Looks as though they were the ones doing all the lying.

“Honey,” his mother said, “listen to your dad, okay? We’ll explain everything, and then we’ll apologize to you properly.”

Apologize? Like he was going to wait around forthat. Then Alcy’s hand was at his back, and the anger drained from him. “Okay, I’m listening.”

Dad shuddered out a breath. “It started a couple of months ago. Your mom and I were helping with the church auction-slash-raffle, sorting things into piles, putting price tags on stuff that was being auctioned off—”

“Dad?” Carter gave him a hard stare. “Get to the point?”

His dad nodded. “Ken—Pastor Ken—walked by and he smiled at us.” Dad glanced at the pastor. “I can’t explain it to you, but… well… something came over me. We’d seen him hundreds of times, and I’d never gave him another thought.Thistime? He wasn’t dressed in his Sunday clothes. He had on a T-shirt and shorts, and they showed off his tanned arms and legs.” Dad swallowed. “Seeing him like that, smiling the way he did… The closest I can get to describing the effect he had is to say… it lit a fire in me. I stared at his mouth, and an insane thought struck me.” He took another breath. “I wondered what it would be like to kiss him.”

Carter was sure thatthudwas his jaw hitting the floor.

“I was swamped with guilt,” Dad continued. “That night, I confessed my impure thoughts to your mother.” He reached for her hand and squeezed it. “You can imagine my shock when she said she’d found herself wondering the same thing.”

Carter’s head was spinning.Noneof this made any sense to him. For nearly thirty years, his parents had had the perfect marriage, a blueprint for the kind of marriage Carter wanted inhisfuture.

But look at you now. You’re in the same type of relationshiptheyare. So … looks as if you learned the lesson pretty well, huh?

Stupid internal voices.

Then he realized his dad wasn’t done talking. “We made an appointment for counseling. We were in such a panic. But when we told Ken, he gave us that same smile, and my heart thumped harder than it had for years. He reached out and took our hands, and I swear to you, I could feel a connection between the three of us.”
