Page 63 of Holy Hell

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Carter stilled, overcome by the memory of feeling that same connection with Beez and Alcy.

“At our second session, Ken told us the church would say it was wrong, but he’d ruminated and prayed on it all week, and the only thing he could come up with was a certainty that God wanted him to kiss us too.”

Carter fought hard not to smile.Bet that came as a surprise.

“We were all nervous wrecks when we tried it,” Dad declared, “but as soon as we did, we felt… complete.”

“We’ve been trying to figure it all out,” Mom interjected. “Ken left the church and went to the oneyoutold me about, the gay friendly one. They welcomed him with open arms, and after he spoke with the priest there, they offered him a job. He’s been there ever since.” She peered up at Carter, her eyes glistening. “That’s why I said we needed time. We were trying to figure out what it all meant, and I knew we’d been horrid parents. We can’t tell you enough how sorry we are.”

That sucked the wind right out of Carter’s sails. Hadn’t he felt the same after being with Beez and Alcy?

And speaking of them…

Carter spread his arms and put them around his men. “Mom, Dad… I’d like to introduce you to Beez and Alcy. They’re my… boyfriends.” After what he’d just heard, he still expected to see shock or condemnation in his parents’ expressions.

He didn’t. If anything, his mother’s face was placid, the pinch Carter often saw there absent now. Maybe Pastor Ken was good for both of them.

Mom held out a hand. “Welcome to our home. We’re glad to have you here.” They shook.

Then Carter gave himself a mental smack.Wait a minute… “This isn’t how this was supposed to go.”

“It’s how itneedsto go,” Ken insisted. “We’ve been discussing how to broach the subject with you.” His gaze dropped to the floor. “No apology will be enough for me to ask for your forgiveness. I did and said horrible things. It took your parents to help me realize I’d shut myself off from the love I preached one minute, and the hate I spewed afterward. On my last day at the church, I got up and announced to one and all that I had lied to them. I was bisexual, and I’d fed them lies about it because I hated myself for turning away from God.”

Carter smiled. “Love is love. That’s theonlything you ever needed to preach. You don’t know how much your words hurt and—”

“You’re right,” Ken announced. “I made my apologies to the flock, then told them I was leaving and going to the other church. I got an ovation from a few dozen people, and they followed me over because they liked the truth I’d given them, instead of the lies I’d pushed on everyone.” He peered at Carter. “If you can find it in your heart to forgive me, I swear to you I will always work to help people. I vow to preach nothing but the message of love, as God would have us do. I know I can’t undo the damage I caused, but I can try to make sure no one else ever feels like they aren’t worthy of love.”

“Carter?” Dad whispered. “You can hate us if you want, and we’d deserve it, after the way we treated you. I always thought you might be gay, but....” He sobbed and fell against Ken, who ran a hand over his back, the other still clutching the throw pillow. It was obvious they cared for each other.

“They made mistakes, Carter,” Alcy said. “And they’re willing to own up to them. Can you find it in your heart to help everyone find a way through this?”

Then Beez put his hand on Carter’s shoulder and squeezed, and all the remaining anger leached out of him. Were any of them totally innocent in this? He knew he’d lied, hidden who he was. Maybe if he’d trusted them more, been forthcoming, they all could have moved past this long ago. But now they had a chance to start fresh, and make up for the hurt and anger. And if they could do that together, that would be the best possible outcome.


“Yes?” he murmured, looking up with hope in his eyes.

“Welcome to the family.” Carter bit his lip. “But if I might make a suggestion?”


He grinned. “Put some clothes on.”

Supreme looked down on Carter and the people who gathered around him. There were hugs and tears, but most of all, a sense of hope that this newly-minted family would help spread the truth of love in all forms.

“Well,” they said as the scene faded, “I don’t think that could have gone any better.”

“You still owe me five bucks,” Aldus Lathan cackled. Supreme handed over the money, and Aldus pocketed it in his robe. “Nice doing business with you.”

“Thank you for helping me figure this out. Alcy and Beez were such tough nuts to crack. Some of my finest, but most infuriating work.”

“The best things are usually the most frustrating. Me and Esther, Carter’s grandma, fought like cats and dogs, but the love we shared was so deep and abiding that it always held us together.” He cleared his throat. “So, I have to ask. Will they be happy together? I need to know Carter will be taken care of.”

“Oh, they most certainly will,” Supreme promised. “They’re going to love and argue, kiss and fight. Each of them brings something unique to their dynamic. Beez is a leader, and he will steer the three of them with a strength and certainty they’ll need. Alcy is a peacemaker, and he’s going to help them make it through the trying times they’ll encounter. And Carter? He’s the chaotic element that’s going to make their lives interesting.”

“What about their future?”

Supreme chuckled. “Well, you know, despite what humans believe, very few things are written in stone. I promise the three of them will have an amazing life, filled with so much love that they’ll adopt a child to share it with. As they grow up, they’ll have to decide who they are, and that’ll lead Carter, Beez, and Alcy to many sleepless nights trying to figure out a way to best help nurture this young person who wouldn’t grow up happy if it wasn’t for these men. And in a surprise twist, Grandma and the two Grandpas will become a big part of all their lives.”
