Page 8 of Holy Hell

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Screw it. It wasn’t as if the spell would know, right? Carter didn’t really expect it to work. At least, he didn’t think he did. Hoped? Yes, definitely. The thought of powerful arms wrapped around him, cradling him against a strong chest intoxicated him. The idea that he could fall asleep in someone’s embrace, safe, protected… loved?

He wanted that with a desperation that bordered on scary.

Carter went back to the other room and pulled out the candles they’d used when the power had gone out. He lit them and placed them in a vague star shape. He’d seen enough movies to know that the star represented power, and hoped that would help, especially since he had no freaking clue what he was doing. He knelt in the center of the candles and closed his eyes. Then he remembered that Mr. McAffrey had said something about ingredients. He groaned. That would mean he’d have to translate every freaking thing on the list before he could even start.

No. That means delays.His stomach roiled again. It could take days, and Carter knew—somehow—he didn’t have that long. This spell, or whatever it was, needed to be done tonight. Now.

I’m just going to have to wing it.

What could go wrong?

He trailed his finger over the page. There were eight ingredients listed. One of them he was pretty sure was chicken, but was it bones or feet or blood? He wasn’t certain. His hand trembled as he reached for his laptop, then pulled away. A voice in his head urged Carter on. He grabbed one of the buckets from the dinner and set it in front of him. Then he tossed a couple of the pieces of chicken into it. No sense in letting it go to waste. The rest of the ingredients were a mystery to him, so he plucked different things from dinner and added it to the growing pile.

“This isn’t going to work,” he whispered, mentally preparing himself for disappointment.

Then he got to the actual incantation. He tried reading the words, but they came out garbled, so he was pretty sure what he was saying wasn’t going to work at all. Instead, he clasped his hands together and decided he’d make up his own spell.

Really, how hard could it be?

“Powers above, below, and beyond, I come to thee in supplication. I make this humble offering to you in hopes of receiving your boon. What I want is…” He sucked air into his lungs and went for it, his heart hammering. “What I want is someone who fucks like a god, but is willing to cuddle afterward. Someone who knows what buttons to push to take me to new heights, but who can ground me with a touch. Someone demanding, but also patient and kind. This do I seek, and I pray that you’ll grant me my wish.”

When noise shattered the silence, his breathing hitched, until he realized it was only the thumping of some rap tune, and a couple guys yelling about some sport they were watching.

It was a bust and Carter knew it.

He felt stupid for thinking anything would happen. No, in reality, he felt stupid for having evenhopedit would. That had never gotten him anywhere in life, and this was another in a long line of disappointments. He blew out the candles, plunging the room into darkness. He was tired, heartsick, and wanted to crawl into bed. Alone. Again.

He’d taken two steps when he noticed a glow swirling at his feet. He stopped and stared at it, watching in mute horror as white light mingled with black smoke, twisting, writhing, undulating around Carter, moving up his body, touching him intimately.

“What the hell?” he whimpered. “Shit, what have I done?” Had he conjured some awful spawn that would drag him to hell? “Please, don’t hurt me.”

“Hurt you? Now why would I do that?” The calm, soothing voice settled on Carter like a soft blanket. The white smoke coalesced into a humanoid form, only it was so much more than a man. This guy had white, feathery wings that covered his body. When the wings opened, Carter gasped. The man was dressed in a flowing robe that fell to his feet. It seemed impossibly sheer, glistening in the light from the window.

“AndIwould only hurt you if you begged me to,” came another husky voice, alluring as amber, rough as sandpaper. The dark smoke converged, taking on a vague shape that quickly sharpened into another male form. Andthisone was…

Oh my God.

Tall. He was freakingtall, at least six and a half feet. His skin was red, not like sunburn, but more crimson.And—are those horns?He had fuckinghorns. Carter’s gaze raked over the body before him, noting unlike the other person, this guy wore no clothes, and his…


His long, thick cock rose from a dark patch, the head weeping precum.

This guy was a monster.

No, scratch that—he had to be a demon.

“What the hell are you doing here, Alcy?” the demon asked the other.

“I could ask you the same thing, Beezlebub.Iwas summoned, so I have no idea whyyou’dshow up.” He bristled. “If you think you’re going to poach another one of my—”

“Hey, I didnotpoach him, okay? I merely showed him how good a blowjob could feel. Oh, and my cock up his ass sealed the deal. It’s not my fault he—”

“Excuse me?”

They turned as one toward Carter. The demon grinned. “Sorry, dude. We shouldn’t let our problems get in the way of doing a job, am I right?” He bowed at the waist. “I’m Beezlebub, or Beez, if you prefer. That other guy is Alcindor, or Alcy.”

“My name isnotAlcy, and I don’t appreciate you telling this young man that.”

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