Page 11 of Wild Bear Mates

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“With men?” His face didn’t betray what he was thinking. I guess most witches are quite flexible with their sexual partners. And he did know I was a witch. I nodded again.

“Have you ever been pregnant before?”

I shook my head. “No. Never.”

“Do you take birth control?”

“No. My cycles are very regular. They are synced with the lunar phases. I know what days to avoid. I also use a cleansing tincture for back up.”

“That’s good to hear. Man-made birth control can wreak havoc on the reproductive system.”

I nodded again.

“When did you start your cycle?”

“Thirteen.” I remember the day that blood first appeared in my underwear. My mother hated doing laundry, so I panicked and hid the dirty underwear and dress in the field behind our cabin. I didn’t think that she would have questions when I came in naked, still bleeding.

“Ever have any human illnesses?”

Witches had long since learned how to avoid sexually transmitted infections. “Nope. I’m careful.”

“Okay, I’m going to examine you now. It’s just going to be a quick pelvic exam and then you’re going to get an ultrasound to take a look at your ovaries and uterus. Have you discontinued the tinctures?”

“Of course. I didn’t bring any with me, so it’s been a couple days since I took one.” My cheeks flushed. He would know that meant that I had sex with a man right before I came. He didn’t so much as raise an eyebrow.

“I’m going to leave the room to give you some privacy. I will also bring back a female nurse with me. Could you please get undressed from the waist down and cover yourself with this?” He pointed to a thin paper blanket. I smiled.

“Thanks doctor.” Dr. Haven nodded and left the room.

I quickly undressed and popped up on the exam table. The paper liner crinkled and stuck to my ass. Humans were so barbaric. I was hoping that my magic capabilities would count for something here, but apparently not. After a few minutes, there was a knock on the door.

“Come in!” I clutched the paper blanket. Dr. Haven returned with a plain faced nurse in blue scrubs. He stepped to the side and the nurse came over and spoke.

“Please slide down and put your feet in the stirrups.”

I winced when I touched the cold metal. Usually, I lived in flip flops, but I wished I had worn socks. Scooting my butt down, I dragged the paper with me. Please don’t rip, please don’t rip.

“A little bit further down doll.

The nurse was now close to my unmentionables. She stood at the foot of the table. “Just a bit further.” My naked butt squeaked across the table. A gurgle emerged from my stomach. Oh, dear God, now was not the time to fart. “Okay, now you can let your knees fall apart.”

“Knees fall apart?” That sounded like something from a scary movie.

“Open your legs, dear.” I flopped my knees open. Why didn’t she just say so? Dr. Haven picked up a metal object from a tray and brought it towards me. “I’m going to do the digital exam. First, I’m going to check your vagina and uterus with two fingers. Then I’m going to open you with a speculum and take a swab. It won’t hurt, but it will be a bit uncomfortable. There might be some spotting later. It’s very important that you refrain from sex for twenty-four hours afterwards.”

“No, sex?” I looked at the doctor.

“None.” I’m guessing he knew I was wondering about women as well. “This will be over quickly.” He put a glove on his right hand and squeezed some lube on his fingers. He placed his left hand on my thigh. “Take a breath.” I breathed in and he slid his fingers into me. With his non-gloved hand, he pressed on my abdomen. He quickly withdrew his fingers. “That’s all for that.” He grabbed the metal object and inserted it into me. I felt stretched, but no discomfort. He took what looked like a large q-tip. I felt a sharp pinch deep inside.


“You’re done!” He pushed himself back and dropped the long q-tip into a clear tube.

I peered over at Dr. Haven, who was writing on a notepad.

“You’re all finished. Go back outside to the front desk and they will let you know where to go next.”

The nurse cleared her throat. Dr. Haven looked up. She leaned her head towards the door.

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