Page 21 of Queen Bee

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It doesn’t fix everything, but it’s a start.

So, I think as I head down to the party. He doesn’t know. But he will know soon enough. Probably a good thing I’ll be mingling at this weird party for the weird couple while he no doubt takes a phone call from Mother.

When he finds out about Crosby and me, my father, Anthony Rushmore, hotel magnate, will take matters into his own hands. He’s either going to murder Crosby or manipulate things to ensure my happiness. He’s the go-to guy, the fixer of Greenbridge Academy. My entire family has a history of that. Daddy bought both swim teams their own activity buses. He was responsible for hiring legendary coach Weston Ford, too, this year. And even though I, as captain, tried to stage a coup in protest of his hiring at the expense of our previous coach, I have to admit now it’s all been for the best. With the way everything has been going this year, the Greenbridge Hornets are headed to a state title for the first time in years.

It almost makes me get over my resentment from spending most of my summers since childhood following instructions of the private swim coach that Daddy had always insisted on hiring.

I head down to the party and find Hunter Rydell.

I say words to her I’ve never spoken to another girl my age in my entire life.

“I’m sorry,” I say. “I’m sorry for the way I treated you at the pool party last August. And I’m sorry for the way I have behaved on the swim team this year. I’m…going to try to do better.”

“Well, this is unexpected,” Hunter says.

Is that all she has to say? Hunter Rydell, the school’s queen of melodrama and dramatic monologues, has nothing to offer except to point out the surprise of the situation.

Standing inside the heated tent surrounded by happy wedding guests, I roll my eyes and sip my pretty pink mocktail. “I know, I know. Just, like, accept my apology so I can move on with my life. My dad is having some kind of mid-life crisis or something and wants everyone around him to have ‘feelings’ or whatever.” With my free hand, I make air quotes around the word “feelings.”

Hunter squints at me. “All right. I accept your apology. But, Ridley, your dad is 39, that’s not quite mid-life, I don’t think.”

Hunter is really making it difficult not to revert back into bitch mode. Finally, I blink at her, and smile sweetly and giggle. “No, of course you wouldn’t want to think that.”



My first experience with a Rushmore pulling all the strings is the day after New Year, when I receive a phone call from Mr. Rushmore himself.

“I’m prepared to offer you a job with my company.”

I know what’s going on here. Ridley called me as soon as her father found out about our relationship. He’s trying to draw me into the family and make it look like a business transaction.

“I’m sorry, sir, no disrespect, but I am in love with your daughter. I don’t want any part of the family business. I’d like to take care of Ridley completely on my own, and furthermore, your daughter has a lot of potential. Once she has her degree, she’s going to do exactly what she wants to do…”

“Son,” he interrupts. “I’m going to stop you right there. I don’t give a rat’s ass about your independence, and yes, I expect my daughter to get her education and get a job and eventually, one day, stop using my credit cards. I’ve been hassling her about this for months. I’m only offering you a job with the Rushmore Group so you can move here and be closer to my daughter. But if that’s not what you want…”

“I do want to be closer to your daughter.”

“Well, then how about I talk to the headmistress about a possible opening at Greenbridge Academy? The board has been discussing a game design lab. It may as well be you who helps us start it. What would you say to that?”

I don’t hesitate. “Yes. I’ll take it.” I give no thought to my current status as the chief designer at the giant game company that I helped get off the ground. None of that matters if Ridley won’t come to me.

“All right, I’ll have my assistant phone you later today to negotiate the salary…”

“I said I’ll take it. Whatever it takes to be with Ridley, I’ll do it.”

“Son, just keep in mind, no making out on the school premises. Try to keep it on the down low, as the kids say.”

“Why would she and I be making out at the high school?”

“I like your sense of boundaries. She may be nineteen, but not everyone in her senior class is aware of that, and it would look bad if anyone knew about your relationship.”

Ridley’s a senior? In high school?

This entire time…and then it all makes sense. Her reticence to discuss school with me. Her telling me she could not pick up and come with me to California. But why? Why wouldn’t she tell me?

My head is spinning, but I agree to show up for classes bright and early on January 5.

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