Page 23 of Bad Intentions

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Nikki gestured to him. A shade of red stained her cheeks. “Oh. Yes. This is Cole. Cole meet Mrs. Farrow.”

“Nice to meet you.” He waved at her.

Mrs. Farrow nodded slightly. A glint sparked in her eyes, the hint she was the type of woman who didn’t take any bullshit. “Same here. Glad to know our Nikki finally found someone. You’d better be nice to her. We’re a very close-knit community,” she said, drawling the last words like a veiled threat.

Nikki lifted her hand, then waved it, flustered. “Hmmm, Cole was on his way, but it was nice catching up.”

Unfazed, Mrs. Farrow pulled at the leash and the dog quickly heeled next to her. “Of course. See you around, honey.”

Nikki turned to him. “Sorry, I’d like to be able to blame it on early-onset dementia, but Mrs. Farrow has been butting her way into people’s lives since she was a fetus. Rumor has it when she was born and the doctor slapped her butt, she slapped him right back.”

A chuckle floated up his throat. “How long has it been since you haven’t had anyone?”

“A while,” she said, looking away.

His pulse skittered at an alarming rate. Her answer made his skin prickle with pleasure.

She shifted her weight from foot to foot. “Fine. I haven’t slept with anyone before you in years, and I can’t remember my last date. Maybe Mrs. Farrow does.”

Damn. Had she agreed to a fling with him because she physically needed sex and intimacy, or because she couldn’t resist the idea of being with him? The doubts played in his head like a drawn-out tennis match. He took her hand in his, lifted it to his mouth and kissed it. “You’re one of a kind, Nikki Brady.” Then, he dipped his head and deposited a kiss on her cheek. “Goodnight.”


“Good job,” Cole said, kicking the soccer ball back to Henry. “Let’s do it again.”

Nikki fanned herself. After a fantastic soccer practice with their little league team, Cole had pulled Henry and David aside and showed them some of his moves. Nikki bit her lip, her gaze following his powerful body zipping around from feet away.

Most parents had left the field with overly excited, sweaty kids in tow. Nikki cleared her throat. What did Cole hanging out with her kids mean? She had never let any man close to the boys like this. They already had a good father and didn’t need a pretentious male figure to mess things up in their brains. She’d always been overly careful.

“Hey, lady. Ready to tear it up tonight?” Lara said, walking up to her, then laughed.

Nikki shushed her, afraid someone would hear them. When Cole had shown up in his soccer shorts, with part of his muscly legs and calves exposed, she’d listened to the devil on her shoulder and texted Lara—asking for her to take the boys home.

Damn it, she needed to be with Cole, far from her home and doubts. She needed him all for herself, to slam him against the wall and stop thinking about the consequences of their affair.

“Thanks for taking the kids home,” she said, not an ounce of guilt for cashing in the favor Lara had offered.

“No problem. I’ll give them a shower and cook for them,” she said, then removed her sunglasses and waved at the kids. “Shit, girl, your man is fine.” Lara whistled.

“He’s not my man.”

“Well, he should be. If you two become an official couple, your couple nickname would be your two names mashed up. Nicole. Do you know how easy that is to remember and make fun of?” Lara nudged her elbow, chuckling.

Oh, shit. She was right. “I doubt I’ll have to worry about this moniker. Besides, he’s here temporarily.” He’s not my man, she repeated inwardly.

“Whatever. He’s still hot and wants you.”

Yeah, but for how long? What would he do when the novelty wore off? She assumed he didn’t usually date women with kids, and maybe because of his short stay in Tulip, he allowed himself to be carefree. “And I shall take advantage of those truths.”

They watched him play with the boys for minutes that stretched into an hour. Why did he chastise himself so much for what happened to his brother? He’d been a child. And now, seeing how he played with her boys—following the rules of the game and not throwing any kick harder than they could take it—she knew it. Despite what he thought of himself, Cole wasn’t a bad guy. Hell, he might even make a good dad one day.

Nikki slapped herself mentally. Maybe he would, but didn’t mean he wanted to. She’d had to endure parents who didn’t want to be parents, then a husband who didn’t want to be married to her. Enough. Get your heads out of the clouds.

“Mom, did you see us?” Henry asked, waving his hands.

“Yes, did you?” David said.

“Yes. You all did wonderful.” She handed them their water bottles. “As a prize, Aunt Lara will take you home and play with you while I catch up.”
