Page 10 of Lawyer

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“Yes, baby. God, yes,” I cry out, suddenly not caring who hears me.

I finger myself even more vigorously, my hand slick from my own juices. The sensation of the dam inside of me about to break washes over me causing me to throw my head back and cry out as I come. Leaning my forehead against the tile once more, I ride out the waves of my orgasm, a shaky smile upon my lips. My body trembles as I slip down to my knees, my eyes closed, gripped by an intense pleasure I haven’t felt in forever.

“My God,” I say.

My legs are still shaking too hard for me to stand up, so I kneel in the bottom of the tub with the warm water raining down over me. Images of Silas continue to flash through my mind. I can still feel his body, smell his cologne, and taste the scotch on his tongue. And just the memory makes my body quiver and keeps the fire between my legs burning bright.

I know this is wrong. I know that nothing can really happen between the two of us. He’s my lawyer. I’m his client. And it would be wholly inappropriate for us to become involved. It would probably violate some lawyer code of ethics or something. But until he kissed me, and I felt that long, thick cock pressed against my body, I didn’t know just how badly I wanted to throw out the rule book. I didn’t know just how badly I wanted to feel him inside of me. And as I kneel there with a thousand thoughts and feelings still rampaging through my body, all I can do is shake my head.

“This is going to be a problem,” I mutter.



The next morning, I stumble out of bed and into the kitchen. I grab the coffee pot and a frown crosses my face as I clench my jaw.

“Goddammit,” I mutter.

My head had been so filled with thoughts about Aria when I got home last night that I’d forgotten to set my coffee pot to brew automatically. With a frustrated sigh, I put the coffee into the filter and fill it with water. I drum my fingers on the counter as it starts to click and bubble as a thin stream of the dark brew begins dribbling into the carafe.


Knowing it’s going to take forever to finish brewing, I decide to take a shower and get ready for my day. I’ve got a meeting this morning that I don’t want to miss. I walk through the house and into my bedroom where I shed my pajama bottoms and toss them at the hamper. I miss and they land on the floor, but I leave them where they fell knowing my maid will clean it up when she gets here later today.

I turn on the shower and watch as the water falls from the ceiling-mounted shower head like a gentle rain. In a matter of moments, clouds of steam begin to billow, and the glass stall quickly fogs over. I step in and close my eyes, letting the water spill down over my body. I run my hands through my hair with a sigh, letting the warmth of the water work the stiffness out of my muscles.

As I stand there, the memory of Aria’s scent fills my nose as I recall the feel of her soft yet firm body in my hands and the sweet taste of her cosmo on her breath. She’s got the tight and enticing body of youth. The one of a kind body that gets me hard just thinking about her. If she hadn’t stopped things from escalating last night, I would have bent her over that beat up old couch of hers, yanked her pants down, and went to work. Even standing here in the shower now just thinking about what might have been makes my cock ache.

I plant one hand against the wall in front of me and grip my shaft with my other hand and start to stroke it as I fantasize about being deep inside of Aria. I imagine taking her from behind and feeling my cock sliding against her warm, wet walls. I can hear her moaning and feel the way her body wriggles and writhes as I pound myself into her. Recalling the feel of her body and her velvety-soft skin makes my cock twitch with desire.

Squeezing my shaft even harder, I pump my fist faster, my eyes closed tight as I picture Aria on top of me, bouncing up and down, impaling herself on my cock. My body is tight, my shoulders tense, and the cords in my neck stand out with the effort. But I feel currents of electricity flowing through my veins and my body feels as if it’s being warmed from the inside out as I picture myself fucking Aria with an abandon I’ve never known before.

Gritting my teeth, a low growl passes my lips. My body tightens almost painfully and a split-second later, the release I feel is overwhelming and nearly drops me to my knees. My cock pulses as thick ropes of my seed shoot onto the floor of the shower, only to be washed down the drain. My breath is heavy, and my pulse is racing as the warm glow of my orgasm envelops me. I indulge in the feelings for a moment before getting myself washed up.

Last night was just an appetizer but I’m ready for the main course. I’m ready to feast on her. Ready to gorge myself on Aria until I’m sated. Not that I’ll be sated for long. I don’t know that I could ever truly get enough of Aria’s tight, firm, young body. I’m confident that I could have her every single day and still want more.

That’s a theory I’m looking forward to putting to the test. I will have her. It’s a matter of when, not if. Before I can do that though, I need to resolve her case. I’m her lawyer and getting involved with her right now would be unethical and wrong in a hundred different ways. I’m a lot of things but unethical is not one of them. So, the sooner I dispose of her case and get her charges tossed, the sooner I can revel in the feeling of releasing my seed deep inside of her.

I turn off the shower and towel off. It’s time to get to work.

* * *

“Lucas Reynolds,”I say.

Billy Atwater, an old college buddy of mine and currently a lieutenant in the LAPD’s narcotics division is sitting across the table from me, elbow deep in a stack of pancakes. He chews the mouthful he has, washes it down with a long swallow of his coffee, and nods.

“Yeah, that fucking prick’s been on my radar for a while now,” Billy says. “Haven’t been able to make a case against him stick though. He’s slick. Always has a way to wriggle out of whatever shit he’s in. Or rather, pays a lawyer really well to help him wriggle out of it. I’d love to put that fucker six feet under, man.”

I’m taken aback by the ferocity in Billy’s words. He’s usually a pretty even keeled kind of guy who doesn’t get too high or too low about much of anything. But when he speaks about Lucas, it’s with real fire in his words.

“You seem pretty wound up about the guy,” I say.

“He’s a poisoner. Last year, he put tainted shit on the streets. Killed eight people—three of them teenagers,” he tells me. “And that’s not the first time that’s happened. So, yeah, I’m a little wound up about the guy.”

I take a drink of my coffee as Billy stuffs another wad of syrup-soaked pancake into his mouth. He watches me closely as he chews angrily, and I can see his mind working. He swallows and takes a drink of his coffee.

“What’s your interest in Reynolds anyway?” he asks.
