Page 9 of Lawyer

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“And how are you going to do that? Huh? How are you going to make sure I’m safe? Lucas is still out there and he’s not going away anytime soon” I growl. “And as long as I owe him money, he’s always going to remain a threat to me. Running and hiding doesn’t change a thing. If I take you up on your offer, I’ll be running and hiding forever.”

“Forever’s a long time.”

“And yet, it somehow seems fitting,” I snap back.

“Things change, Aria. They sometimes change when we least expect them to.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

He shrugs. “It means what I said. Sometimes, things change.”

I stop and stare at him for a long moment, trying to decipher his cryptic message to me. Although my first instinct is to think he’s talking about killing Lucas, there’s a bigger part of me that knows Silas would never actually kill Lucas. I don’t think so. I lick my dry lips and try to work a little saliva into my mouth, but nothing seems to work. My throat is drier than the Sahara but the palms of my hands and the part of my anatomy south of my beltline are suddenly moister than the Brazilian rainforest. The heat between my thighs is somehow pleasant and uncomfortable at the same time.

“I—I think you should probably go now, Lucas. I’m safe,” I stammer as my voice cracks. “Thank you. I appreciate you taking a look around for me.”

He purses his lips and nods repeatedly, just standing there staring at me for a long minute. Silas finally moves his head in the affirmative a final time and then walks toward me. I draw in a breath and hold it, my heart hammering so hard against my chest I’m sure it’s going to bruise me from the inside. He stops and is standing so close to me, I can feel the heat from his body. It feels like I’m standing too close to the stove, or an open fire, and I lick my lips again.

I take a shallow breath and can’t help but smell the subtle fragrance of his cologne and my vision wavers once more. Standing so close to him is a heady experience. His icy blue gaze pins me to the wall and it feels like Silas can see straight into me. It sends a ripple through my heart and the slow, smoldering heat between my thighs explodes into a three-alarm fire. As I stand there, I feel a bead of my juices slide down the inside of my thigh and it makes me draw in a sharp breath.

“Please,” I say quietly.

“Please what?” he says, a mischievous grin quirking his mouth. “Please do? Please don’t? Please hurry up? You’re going to have to be clearer, Aria. What is it you want?”

My eyes are fixed on his smooth, red lips as he speaks. They’re full for a man and I can’t help but wonder how they’d feel pressed to my own. Or pressed to other parts of my body. The thought makes me quiver and a soft gasp escapes my slightly parted lips. And before I know what’s happening, Silas’ mouth is on mine. Our tongues swirl around one another and the hard angles and planes of his body are pressed to mine and seem to be growing hotter.

He grabs my hair and pulls my head back roughly, his mouth finding my neck. A tremor passes through me, and my thighs grow slicker as he kisses and nips at my collarbone. His lips crash against mine again and he thrusts his tongue deep into my mouth, stealing my breath from me. My body twitches and my stomach churns as I grip his upper arms, pulling him even closer to me. I feel the rigid length of his cock pressed to my belly and the heat in my pussy becomes nearly unbearable.

I gently push him away and Silas takes the hint. He steps back but his eyes still burn with the heat and intensity of his desire. I’m sure he could make me feel pleasures completely unknown to me in my life and scarily enough, there’s a big piece of me that wants that. But I’m still in control of myself enough to not give in to that carnal beast lurking inside of me. But it’s a close thing. I swallow hard, my entire body trembling, as the corner of Silas’ mouth curls upward in a roguish grin.

“I’ll call you later,” he says, his voice thick with desire. “About your case. We’ll need to go over some things.”

I swallow again and nod. “Fine. Good. Yeah, that’s good. Later.”

That grin still on his lips and the warm center of me still fluttering, Silas reaches out, making my entire body tense, expectant. But he grabs the knob behind me and pulls the door open. I let out a shaky breath, my face burning with both the heat of embarrassment and my own lust. He steps through the door but turns back to me.

“Lock the door. And call me if anything happens,” he says.

“I—I will,” I say, my voice quavering.

Silas gives me that cocky grin again then turns and is gone. I shut the door and lock it and lean forward, pressing my forehead against the cool, wood frame.

“Jesus Christ,” I mutter.

It takes me a few minutes to gather myself. I lock the front door then check all the windows. The truth is, there is a part of me that’s afraid of Lucas showing up here and taking out the anger and embarrassment I’m sure he’s feeling after getting an ass beating in public, on me. If I’m being honest, I’m afraid of Lucas. He can be violent and unstable. But my hope is that he’ll lay low for a few days to lick his wounds and maybe in that time, I’ll have an idea how to get him off my back.

It's getting late and I’m tired, so I turn on the shower—it usually takes about five minutes for the water to warm up. Surprisingly though, as shitty as this building is, it still has good water pressure. As the water warms, I grab my pajamas—boxers and a t-shirt—and the robe from the back of my door and carry it all into the bathroom. Steam is billowing from the showerhead so I strip down and toss my clothes into the hamper then step into the bathtub that sits flush against the wall, pulling the curtain closed behind me.

I step beneath the spray of the water and let it rain down over me. A long and loud moan passes my lips as I revel in the warmth of the water, letting it sluice away the tension in my shoulders and upper body. I take a few moments in silence, letting myself relax.

“What a bizarre day,” I say to myself.

My mind is immediately flooded with images of Silas and the memory of the kiss we shared. My skin tingles as fingers of electricity slide up my body and that heat between my legs which had only just started to subside, flares to life again. Leaning forward, I press my head to the tile of the shower and relish the feeling of the hot water spilling down my body. My stomach roils and my veins feel like they’re filled with fire as I slip my hand between my legs.

I shudder as I recall the feeling of Silas’ hard, toned body pressed to mine and I start to rub my clit. A moan echoes around the bathroom, louder than I’d intended, and I bite my bottom lip to stifle my cries as I circle my clit harder and faster. My legs start to shake so hard, I fear they’re going to give out under me. But it feels so good, I can’t stop. I won’t stop. I slip my second hand down and plunge two fingers into my molten hot core, pumping them in and imagine it’s Silas’ thick, rigid cock inside of me as I circle my clit even harder.

“Fuck. Oh God, yes, Silas.”

My body grows taut, and my mouth grows dry as I work myself vigorously. Almost violently. My heart is slamming into my chest, and I feel my pussy growing tighter as I drive my fingers into myself even more enthusiastically.
