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“You need to come with me!”

“I'm not going anywhere with you.”

“You are. We're about to roll this house and I don't want you here when they do it. I’ve got five guys coming in and you know how they are. You’re the last person that I would want here when that is going down.”

“What do you mean you’re going to roll the house?”

“You know exactly what I mean. You were right to lie to me about what this guy has. You said a long time ago that place was empty. Remember, you said that his wife had taken everything? You were right to do it. If I hadn’t been inside this place, I would have taken your word for it. Good thing I didn’t.”

“I know how you are. I didn't want this to happen.”

“Maybe if you hadn’t lied to me. Remember it is something that you've never been good at. I wouldn't have wondered enough to look him up if you had been more convincing. His wife died and she didn't get anything but a coffin with some dirt on top of it.”

“He had nothing to do with it.”

“No, but he didn't save her either. There was some kind of break in, and she was stabbed. Frank was there and was unable to stop the bleeding. Some people close to her thought that it was done purposely, that he didn't want to save her.”

I shook my head and told him that he needed to leave. I also told him that I didn't believe him about Frank and his wife. If Frank had been able to save her, I'm sure that he would have. He was not the type of person that wouldn’t. I didn't know everything about him, but I certainly did know that.

“Just go, Tommy, before the cops are called and everything gets messy. You don’t have to do this.”

“That is the last time that you're going to threaten me with police.”

“It’s not a threat, it's just what's going to happen. I'm not the only one here, and Frank is the type of person who will call the cops, especially...”

“Who else is here? The kid?”

He said it like he knew that Alice was here, and I didn't like the idea of that at all. Why would he want to know about her? Why was he doing this? I wasn’t just some mark.

“Yeah, she's upstairs. She's got a broken arm and she’s laid up in bed sick. She can't leave. You need to leave now, Tommy, I’m telling you. It’s not going to end well if you don’t.”

I thought that my words would slow Tommy down, after he really thought about what he was doing, and I was sure that he didn't want to add endangering a minor to his long list of marks against him. Tommy didn't respond the way I thought though. Instead of worrying about it or being afraid of it, he just kind of shrugged his shoulders.

“Just another angle, that's all.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Come on, rich dad and he would do anything to get her back I take it, right?”

Any ill feelings that I had before were tiny in comparison to what I felt now. It was bad enough that he was here with a gun and trying to get rid of me, but what he was talking about now was unconscionable. There was no way that I was going to let this happen. I told him to think about it, think about how ridiculous he was being. How could he even think for a second that it would be a good idea?

“Tommy, please, don't do this.”

Tommy shrugged his shoulders. “Amber, it's already done.”

It's already done. That's what he said and so help me I didn't know what to think. Why was he doing this? This couldn't be anything about us, this had nothing to do with us. This had to do with Tommy and him being quick to do anything that it took to get his way.

He’d always been that way, never worrying too much about the consequences of his actions. He was far more interested in knowing how to rob somebody of their money and take what wasn’t his. As all of it unfolded, I had to think. What was the point of it all? Whatever the point was, it wasn't worth it.

“You can't do this, Tommy. This is going to end very badly.”

“Then make it go easy. Get the girl out and let’s get going before her daddy gets here.”

I felt sick to my stomach because I knew that's exactly what I would do. That's not what I wanted to do, not by a long shot, but I could see no other way of this going. How could I let this happen, or worse yet, how could I help Tommy do this? I was an accomplice, but if I didn’t go, who would watch out for Alice?


