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and I know I am none of those things.

But I can't seem to help myself when it comes to him.

Don't I deserve just a little something all to myself?

It's impossible to deny my attraction to him.

But how can I get him to see me in the same way?

If only he thought I was someone different...

Someone rich and powerful like him.

Someone best friend, Sophie.

Sophie said I desperately needed to get laid.

She'd understand if I borrowed just a few small details from her life...

All for the sake of getting Miles into bed.

Did I mention he's a rich doctor? Worth it.

If I could actually pull it off,

It'd only be for a one-night stand anyway.

What's the harm?

It does work. And maybe it would have been harmless...

If that one night didn't turn intolots ofnights.

And a positive pregnancy test.

I swore I'd never fall for a man like this again.

But here I am, crashing down hard for him...

Right into a giant disaster of my own making

with only myself to blame.




Ipaced in front of my closet like a madwoman. Every time I reached to pull an outfit down that looked promising, I paused and second-guessed myself.

"I know!Google!" I shouted to myself, racing over to my bed where I had last flung my purse. "Google knows everything. I’ll just search for ‘what to wear on a date’… Yeah, surely that will inspire something."

But when I arrived at the side of my bed, my purse was…gone. I looked left, then right… under the bed, around every corner of the room.

"Where did it go!?"

My heart pounded as I considered all the possibilities.Could I have left it in the shopping cart at the grocery store? Oh! Maybe it’s on the kitchen table.
