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She assured me that she wasn't.

“I’m twenty-six, Frank. It would be hard to still be a virgin. Even back then, I didn’t care about that, but you did. If I remember right, I tried to get you to be with me the last night we were together. But you turned me down. Don’t tell me that you plan on doing that again.”

She was teasing me and talking shit to me at the same time. I'm not sure what she was trying to get out of it, but it made me want to do more.

“You don't know how badly I want to do that, Amber. If you're still feeling this saucy in the morning, then as soon as those beautiful green eyes open, I will give you everything that you need and then some. I promise that we won’t leave this bed until you can’t walk.”

“So, you really won't even consider it? After all this time?”

I told her that I had been considering it since I saw her standing up there at the funeral. I would always be grateful the second chance that I felt like I was getting. It was the one second chance that I wanted. Everything that I had done, every decision that I made that turned out so horribly, the one that involved me not seeing her for the last ten years, was by far the one on top of my list. I wanted to make up for lost time, already feeling like we had been cheated out of so much.

“What if I don't want to wait till morning? I want it right now!”

She screwed up her face like she was pouting, and she leaned in for another kiss. I, of course, obliged her, because it was exactly what I wanted to do, but I also had to be aware that things were still not where I wanted them to be. Soon.

Amber was now sitting on my lap and I'm sure she could tell how much I needed her. I was rock-hard, and she was shifting back and forth on the hardness. It was impossible to ignore for either one of us.

Finally, I had to set her off of me and I was going to get up. She didn't want to have any talk about the fact that she needed to sleep.

“Come on, Frank. Stay up with me like old times.”

I groaned inwardly. I knew that the old times were not always that great. I had gone to bed next to her several times, and she had slept soundly. I had been unable to get a wink of sleep. I guess it was going to be like old times, because there was no way I was going to be able to sleep with her next to me. She wanted to lay together, and I knew that it would be torture, pure and simple. If I couldn’t have all of her, being right next to her was going to be the pits.

Because I could never tell Amber no, I laid down on the bed and she snuggled up to me. We kissed a couple more times, but I had to stop it. I had too much desire and not enough control. A dangerous mix. The only saving grace that I had was that it didn't take her long to get to sleep. I was thankful for that, considering that there was no way I was going to bed that evening. I fully expected to be wide awake when she woke up. I had to hope that she would be as turned on then as she was now.

I knew that she very well might not be. Even though it had been years and a lot had changed, I still knew Amber better than I knew any other person, definitely any other female. If she remembered half of what we talked about tonight and what she had said to me, I had a feeling that she wasn't even going to look at me in the morning.

Sadly, I was right, but even more so than I realized. I woke up alone in the bed. No note, no nothing. Amber had just taken off and I knew why.

Damn it!
