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The only thing worse than getting ready for work and wanting to attract Jordan while knowing nothing could ever happen, was getting ready for work after all the things that never should have happened already did.

I stood in front of the mirror, vengefully making myself look hot as possible. I didn’t appreciate the speech he gave me after our little thing. Going on about it only being the one time and no one ever finding out. As if I hadn’t been saying that from the very start!?

I grumbled to myself as I ran a lint roller over my pants and jacket before turning to steaming my shirt. Who does he think he is?

I was used to cocky businessmen who were rich and powerful and convinced that they were god’s gift to women. Anyone who slept with them would automatically fall under their spell. They’d be in love and start thinking all sorts of ridiculous things and want to shout it from the rooftops.

I understood all of that. I just didn’t understand where Jordan Ashford got off thinking I was one of those women, or that I felt any of those things about him. I wasn’t fifteen anymore. He was nothing more than a sort of fetish…a fantasy to fulfill. And now that it was fulfilled? I was fine. More than fine.

After slipping into my pressed clothes and putting on my earrings, I applied another round of lipgloss and threw everything in my bag to head out the door. I was in a huff the whole way, reminding myself that I would have to use every opportunity possible to not only prove to Jordan just how wrong he was, but also to teach him a lesson about who he was messing with.

But all of my vengeful thoughts were brutally interrupted when I walked into Jordan’s office to find my father sitting in the very chair where Jordan had been camping out on our last all-nighter.

“There she is,” my father beamed.

“Hey, Daddy,” I smiled back, rushing over to kiss him on the cheek. My eyes darted across Jordan, but I made a point not to let them linger. He didn’t need anymore ego boosts from me.

“I see you and Jordan here have made tremendous progress on these contracts,” he noted, spreading them out on the table.

I swallowed hard as flashbacks from the other night came flooding back to me. As my father’s hand drifted over the papers, I knew my half-naked body was being pummeled by Jordan in that very spot not so long ago.

“Daddy! Yes, thank you,” I blurted awkwardly, shuffling him away from the crime scene as subtly and naturally as possible. “We have been working hard. I’m glad you’ve had a chance to look it all over. Any thoughts?”

“Just one,” he grinned. He broke free from my grip and leaned back against the table—once again in the very spot where my bare ass had been. He crossed his arms and flashed his eyes back and forth between us both.

“What’s that?” I asked, feeling suddenly short of breath. I wouldn’t let myself look at Jordan long enough to try and guess if he was as mortified as me.

“You two,” he replied, still not breaking his glaring eyes from me, then Jordan, then back to me. “Why didn’t I ever think to pair the two of you up before?” He shook his head and laughed. “Talk about a power couple! Hell, if you weren’t already wearing Drew’s ring, I’d have half a mind to suggest you…”

“Dad!” I blurted, stopping his words in mid-air while my cheeks turned bright red.

“I’m only teasing,” he defended. “I didn’t mean romantically…obviously. Come on, it’s Jordan. He’s practically family, and he’s ten years older than you!”

“I know that,” I smiled awkwardly as Dad came over to kiss me on the cheek. This time, I did let my eyes wander over to Jordan…mostly because I didn’t understand why he wasn’t doing a damn thing to help me.

I was pissed at him for the way he acted after we had sex, and I did kind of want to secretly punish him for it around the office. But not like this…not in front of my own Dad.

I would never really tell anyone. I was engaged, and Dad would kill Jordan. I knew nothing else could ever really happen between us, but that didn’t stop me from wanting more…or from wanting to make him pay for being such an arrogant ass.

But then I thought…since Jordan wasn’t doing a damn thing to circumvent the awkwardness with my Dad, maybe I could use the moment to my advantage.

“But you know…he’s not really like family,” I blurted suddenly. “Not to me. He was around, but we were never really close. And anyway, aren’t you and Mom like seven years apart in age?”

I glared at Jordan as I said it, wondering if this would be the moment that broke him. He was obviously tense, but he didn’t speak a word. Apparently, neither of us had gone far enough.

“Would it really be so bad if we ended up together?” I added, just to drive the point home.

Dad’s brow furrowed as if he was really thinking it over, while I could see Jordan cringing inside. Finally, he let out an uncomfortable, weird laugh that broke the rising tension in the room.

“What she means is…we make great business partners,” he scrambled to say, coming over to place a hand on Dad’s shoulder…as if to remind him what great pals they were and how he could never betray such a sacred line.

Dad seemed to buy it and eased into a smile. We all did. No one was getting ratted out or caught…not yet anyway.

“Were you coming or going?” I asked Dad, knowing he never stayed in one place long. Not these days.

“Going,” he said regretfully. “My day is jam packed with meetings. You know how it goes.”

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