Page 81 of Deadly Obsession

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“How do you know something is bothering me?”

“You have a tell when you’re upset.” He reached up to stroke his thumb across her lower lip. “You pout. Tell me.”

“I do not pout. What if Declan finds out and we get in trouble?” she said when he only raised a brow.

“I know that’s not really what you’re worried about. We both know who’ll be in trouble if he finds out, and it won’t be you. What is it really?”

“What if…” She dropped her eyes to stare at his shoulder, suddenly feeling entirely too vulnerable. “What if they don’t like you? My friends.”

He backed her against the warmth of the cooling engine and braced a hand on either side of her body. “Do you want your friends to like me?”

She nodded, grateful it was too dark for him to see the flush of her cheeks.

“Why?" She could barely hear his voice over the thump of the bass from the house.

“Because they’re important to me,” she said, fingers fidgeting with the hem of her jacket. “And so are you.”

When he didn’t speak, she moved to dip under his arm and head toward the house, but he grabbed her and yanked her back against him, fusing his mouth to hers while his hands wandered down to cup and squeeze her ass.

He lifted her slightly off the ground, enough to rub himself against her core but not high enough that she could get her legs around his waist. She shuddered as he teased her with a slow grind of his hips.

“I’m a very likable person,” he murmured against her lips.

“That could be up for some debate.”

“When I want to be,” he amended.


The corner of his mouth lifted, and she reached up to grip his throat in the way that always made his eyes drop to her lips. When they did, she pulled him closer, and he obliged, offering her his mouth and letting her take what she wanted from him.

His hand moved around to the small of her back, and he pulled her body against his, tightening his hold when she arched up to grind her hips against the hard length of his cock. He broke the kiss with a groan, but she took his mouth again, nipping his bottom lip with her teeth.

“Woman,” he growled, “there are too many people around for me to fuck you against this truck, but don’t think I’m not considering it.”

“You started it.”

When another car pulled up behind them, he reluctantly stepped back and reached for her hand. “I should never have let you out of the house in that dress. You’re going to drive me crazy with it all night.”

“That’s the point, husband. To drive you crazy.”

He laced their fingers and gave her hand a squeeze as they walked silently up the driveway. A few people lingered on the front porch, beers in hand, while music pumped out of the open front door.

“Is there anything I need to know?" he leaned down to whisper against her ear, and his breath against her skin made her shiver.

“About the dress?”

The look he sent her was pure sin. “I’m starting to question if you really wanted to come to this party to see your friends or just as an opportunity to tease me in public for several hours.”

She grinned. “Why can’t it be both?”

They drew gazes as they mounted the porch and moved further into the party. Some curious, some jealous, some indifferent. When a group moved to roughly push by them, Aidan shifted to shield her with his body, the length of him pressed up against her side until they passed.

“Not quite the welcome back Felicity intended, I think,” she muttered.

“Question is, do they hate you or me?”

“Viv!” Felicity appeared out of the crowd that parted for her. “You made it. And you brought Aidan.”
