Page 100 of Craving Their Mate

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His friend smiled. “I'll be happy to.”

Thankfully, Delancey didn’t resist.

“You won’t get away with this, you know.” Despite the elevated chin and the raised brows, the man sounded scared.

“We will in a court of your peers.”

Delancey looked around just as Trax and Dante stepped forward. They each placed a hand on the man’s shoulders.

“You’ll pay,” Delancey said. “And so will Paris.”

At that threat, Rider was tempted to shoot him in the heart and then rip out his throat. Too bad, a few doors across the street had opened. The neighbors were understandably curious. It was Delancey’s lucky day.

It wasn’t long before several of the general’s men showed up to take Delancey off their hands. Rider and the men waited until Delancey had been escorted off the property before discussing their next move.

Delancey's car would probably remain there until he called someone to pick it up. Rider was tempted to go inside the house again to see what incriminating evidence could be found, but he’d let the general decide how to handle that.

“Ready to celebrate?” Rider asked.

Grayson sidled up next to him. “Absolutely, though I’ll only really celebrate when that clown’s cocaine plant is shut down, and Delancey is locked up tight for not only kidnapping but for distributing drugs.” Grayson held up a hand. “That’s assuming the plant exists, but why would Delancey run if everything Paris accused him of wasn’t true?”

“Next time we see him, we'll ask him.”

* * *

Mrs. Armand had delivered the good news to Paris that her father was being taken to a facility where he would be tried for kidnapping.

“Do you think I’ll need to testify? It will be his word against mine that I was held against my will.”

“I honestly don’t know. Let’s see what the general has to say.”

Paris was in the kitchen drinking her third cup of coffee when she’d received the news about her father’s capture. She thought her worry would change to total joy, but that didn’t happen. It wouldn’t until the whole drug thing was pinned on him, and he was sentenced to prison for a long time.

She tried to figure out the men’s frame of mind when they returned. They’d be happy, for sure, but Rider, like her, would want more. Grayson, on the other hand, would be more concerned about how happy she was.

Paris smiled. These were her men. Yes, they were werewolves, but these were the good ones. Jenna had been the one to say that with any group of people, some were good, others not so much.

“Paris?” The general placed a hand on her shoulder. “You okay?”

Damn. She’d spaced out. “Yes. Mrs. Armand told me the good news, and I was thinking about it.”

“It’s not over, you know. I, for one, will not be satisfied with a mere kidnapping charge. Most likely that charge won’t even stick. You are his daughter, after all.”

She blew out a breath. “I was worried about that.”

“The good news is that he won’t be going anywhere for a while. We can hold him but not forever. That means you and your men need to find evidence of that lab. Then we can dump him back in Canada, and no one will be the wiser.”

This time, her smile was genuine. She wasn’t sure what came over her, but she stood and hugged him. “Thank you.”

General Armand chuckled. “Oh, my.” He leaned back. “I believe your men have arrived. Mrs. A and I need to go out for a while, but I’m sure you’ll be safe with them around.”

Heat raced up her face. He must have figured out what the three of them would be doing shortly. “I’m sure I will be.”

When Grayson and Rider came in, Grayson was grinning, and Rider looked happy, but not overly so. She ran to them and hugged them both.

“The general told me that my father is in custody.”

“He is,” Grayson said. He looked around the kitchen. “I’m starving. I could use a sandwich.”
