Page 99 of Craving Their Mate

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“Nope. It’s been quiet,” Nate said.

“I’ll drive you two back to your place,” Jay said.

“Don’t bother. Harmon and I will shift and find a nice place to rest. If anyone shows, we can be your backup. Your man could have several guards with him.”

That was nice of them to volunteer. “Thanks. The two of us might struggle if Delancey's men are enhanced.”

Nate handed Rider his weapon. “Just in case.”

Rider smiled and nodded. The two of them left to find a location where they wouldn't be spotted. “How about the four of you station yourselves on all corners, and I’ll keep watch from across the street? If Delancey shows, we’ll move in.” Then they discussed who would stay outside and who would go in should Delancey appear. A lot would depend on how many people he had with him.

Grayson said he’d take the back west corner, while Trax, Dante, and Jay spread out to the other three areas. Rider jogged across the street to a lot bordered by a hedge. Not wanting to be spotted in his animal form, he didn’t transform.

One hour turned into two that turned into three.

“How long are you planning to wait?”Grayson telepathed.

Rider had wondered who would be the first to complain. The problem was that he, too, was beginning to doubt Delancey would show up there.Damn. Rider probably should have asked the general to station someone at that place up north. Delancey would want to check up on Paris at some point. That was a tactical error on his part.

Just when he was about to suggest a few of them drive up north, a car pulled into the driveway. A car door opened and then closed. When footsteps sounded on the walkway, Rider chanced looking.Delancey.

Halfway to the door, the man stopped, probably sensing one or more werewolves.“Grayson, he’s here.”

“Like I don't know that?”his friend shot back with some humor in his voice.

Maybe Rider was just a little nervous. The others were probably aware of his arrival too. Out of the corner of his eye, Rider spotted Jay slowly making his way to the car. What he planned to do, Rider didn’t know, but he was certain Delancey wouldn’t be happy about it.

“Go time, everyone,”Rider telepathed. He wasn’t sure if they all could hear his thoughts, but they’d figure it out soon enough. The rustling in the woods to his right implied Nate and Harmon had roused from their nap and were ready for the takedown.

With his gun in hand, Rider jogged across the street. “Dr. Delancey.”

The man stopped but didn’t turn around. Instead, he slipped his hand under his jacket.Shit. If he pulled out a gun, Rider would have to shoot him. While the bullet wouldn’t stop him, it might cause the neighbors to come out to see what the noise was about, and that would raise too many questions.

Rider cocked the gun. “Don’t even think about it,” he commanded.

Delancey turned around. “What do you want?”

“To make sure you pay for kidnapping Paris Mansfield, for starters.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

The hiss of the tires deflating almost made Rider smile. Even if Delancey tried to escape, he wouldn’t get far. Jay pulled out his phone, presumably to call the general, and the rest of the men moved closer.

“Paris—your daughter—is safe with us.”

“Why would I kidnap my daughter?”

Rider had to hand it to him. Delancey was cool. “Oh, let me count the ways.” Rider pressed his lips together. “She knew about your cocaine factory.”

Delancey huffed. “She was delusional.”

“Then why fly her out of the country?” See if he could answer that one.

“Paris came with me willingly.”

Now who was the delusional one? In case they were able to sneak up on Delancey, General Armand had given him handcuffs to restraint him. The man could shift and get out of them, but with so many werewolves surrounding him, Rider doubted he’d try. He was probably arrogant enough to think he could either buy his way out or escape later.

Rider tossed the cuffs to Grayson. “You do the honors.”
