Page 109 of Craving Their Mate

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“Don’t worry. The general will be sure your father can't escape. Once they land, he'll escort him directly to a place where they will keep your father under close supervision. He’ll be tried and then convicted.”

“As happy as I am that he can’t take advantage of anyone else, what’s going to happen to the legitimate part of the company?”

“Once news gets out about Delancey’s arrest, I imagine the Board of Directors will find a replacement, and it will be business as usual.”

Relief washed through her. Paris sat on the bed. Her whole body was tired. “And the people from the cocaine lab?”

“That remains to be seen,” Grayson said. “I think we can convince Sergio Gonzalez to testify if he receives immunity. As far as the rest of the workers are concerned, I doubt the police will go lightly on them.”

“I understand that they broke the law, but I still kind of feel sorry for them. They were just working to support their families,” she said.

Grayson sat next to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. “You are a good person, Paris Mansfield.”

“So are you guys.” Her stomach grumbled, and she placed a hand over it. “Sorry.”

“How about we see if the others would like to grab a bite to eat?” Rider said. “We should celebrate.”

“I love that idea. While you ask them, I want to change.”

Rider smiled. "Go ahead. I'll be right back.” He looked over at Grayson who stood.

“He wants me to speak with Connolly, Mick, and Charley.” Grayson leaned over and kissed her.

Since she had only a minute or two, she grabbed a fresh set of clothes and changed in the bathroom. When several of the others came in before she was finished, Paris hurried. It would be fun to celebrate with so many people.

Once dressed, she entered the room.Whoa. The whole team was there. Everyone was chatting rather loudly, but Charley must have been waiting for her, because she looked up and smiled. Paris went over to her.

“I hear you caught Doug Peterson,” Paris said. “Thank you. He’s such a creep. How did he respond?”

“Let’s say the man was not happy. I only shot him in the leg. To a werewolf that isn’t a big deal. He might have tried to shift and run away if I hadn’t scrambled down the hill and told him not to move or I’d make sure the next shot would be right through his heart.”

Paris laughed. “I wish I had seen that.”

“It was very satisfying.” Charley grinned. “To think I’ve taken down two dirtbags in less than a month.”

Paris smiled. “I’m envious. Growing up, I focused mostly on academics. I wanted to be able to support myself. Learning to fight and shoot wasn’t on my agenda.”

“I hear you. I wanted to support myself, too, so I became an accountant, but my heart wasn’t in the work. I can’t wait until Mick gets his office set up here. Ian—or Connolly to you—and I will be going after the bad guys that Mick’s company uncovers.”

“That sounds wonderful.”

“What are your plans?” Charley asked.

“The men and I haven’t had time to discuss it.”

She grinned. “It sounds like you’ve decided that being with thoseawfulwerewolves isn’t so bad after all.”

“Actually, it’s quite wonderful.” Paris had lumped all men into the same category, and she now realized that had been wrong.

Rider clapped. “Ladies, we’ll all be heading out to a local restaurant. I hope you’ll want to join us?”

Charley turned to Paris. “I didn’t know Rider for long, but he really seems to have changed—for the better. He seems happier now.”

Paris smiled. “I hope so.”

* * *

Rider had thoroughly enjoyed the dinner. Celebrating with people who were part of something this big was fulfilling. Now that Delancey and his cocaine dealings were over, he needed to figure out his next step.
