Page 50 of Craving Their Mate

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“It’s called stress.” Grayson sat next to her and texted his friend.

She looked over at him and sighed. Grayson was so sexy and strong. Without thinking, she dragged a finger from his shoulder down his arm, and his muscles bulged under her touch.

He looked over at her and smiled. As soon as he finished texting, he set down the phone. “Can I help you with something?”

“You can help me into the bedroom.”Oh God. Did she just say that? It was as if someone else had overtaken her body.

Grayson stood and helped her up. Instead of letting him lead her there, Paris wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.


Grayson didn’t knowhow to react when Paris pressed her lips against his. Okay, he knew what he wanted to do, but he was rather confused. It was just that she’d always been so reserved around him that her overt action took him by surprise.

He thought about asking if she really wanted to take their relationship to the next level, but something inside him told him not to say anything. Paris’ actions implied she did.

When she dragged her tongue along the seam of his lips, he could no more deny her entry than he could stop breathing. The second their tongues touched though, he was a goner. Hair sprouted on the back of his hands, and his teeth sharpened. It took all of Grayson’s willpower to stop the shift.

Wanting to make certain this was what Paris had in mind, he picked her up and walked to the only door he saw at the back of the house. Thankfully, it was her bedroom. He placed her on the bed and then broke the kiss.

“Are you sure?” he asked. No wolf in his right mind would ask a beautiful, talented, sexy woman that question, but he needed to know. If she hesitated, he wasn’t sure what he’d do.

“I’m sure.” Paris raised her arms and motioned he join her on the bed.

Grayson ditched his shoes and socks and then crawled next to her again. “I want you naked, missy.”

Her eyes looked a little glassy, but then she smiled. “I think I’ll need some help with that.”

Who was this woman? The Paris he knew was always in control and a bit uptight. Perhaps being back in her house helped relax her.

“No problem. You just close your eyes and let me do my thing.”

She smiled. “I like your thing.” When she nodded to his cock, his dick hardened even more.

“You’ll be seeing it up close and personal in just a moment. Now relax.”

“Okay.” She closed her eyes.

As much as Grayson wanted to rip off her clothes, he needed to be gentle. At any moment, she could change her mind, and he wanted to be prepared. He removed her sandals and then slid off her pants.

Next, he needed to have her ditch the rather unattractive Harrison Industries’ top. Not that Paris didn’t fill it out nicely, but he didn’t like what it stood for. “I need you to sit up.”

When she did, Paris placed her palms on his chest, not giving him the chance to remove her shirt.

“You have an amazing body,” she said.

“Thank you.”

“I want to see what’s underneath.” She nodded to his shirt.

He wasn’t one to deny her anything, so he took it off. As expected, she sucked in a breath at seeing his scar. “It’s nothing,” he assured her. “A semi and I had a disagreement. The scar will fade.”

She ran her finger along its length. “I was always led to believe werewolves healed quickly.”

“Normally, we do, but this was a really deep wound.”

“Actually, it kind of looks sexy. It’s makes you look tough.”

He chuckled. “Thank you. Do you want me to keep going?”
