Page 71 of Craving Their Mate

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Paris had never met anyone like Charley before. From the bathroom, Paris continued to chat. “Is it easy being with two men?”

Her new friend laughed. “Not at first.”

“Why is that?”

“Mick and Ian—who prefers to be called Connolly—were at odds with each other.” She explained that when their parents divorced, Ian stayed with the mom, and the younger Mick went with the dad.

Another werewolf walked out on his family? That was more proof that this mate thing was bogus, though Rider and Grayson seemed to be the exceptions. “Their dad was a werewolf?”

“Yes. He died before I met him, but apparently he wasn’t a nice person.”

Paris carried out her toiletries and placed them in a zippered bag. “Yet you believe in mates?”

She smiled. “I knew from the moment I met them that we were destined to be together. Mick knew, but Ian was very stubborn about it. Eventually, I won him over.”

“So, it seems.”

Paris’ tone must have indicated some worry, because Charley stepped over to her. “Look. It’s not easy being with two powerful men, but you learn to balance things.”

“You don’t fear they’ll leave you?”

Charley dropped down on the bed. “Never. You have to trust that you picked two good ones. Do I believe that mates exist? I do. You and I are both part werewolf, which means we can tell. Is your mom part werewolf?”


“Then she might have been swayed by your father’s good looks and promises. You should ask her, assuming she’s still around.”

“She is. I just never thought it necessary to question her. I still haven’t told her the real reason I’m in Ames. She thinks it’s because of the well-paying job.”

"What is the real reason?"

Paris explained that Richard Delancey was her father.

Charley whistled. “Oh, my. She won’t be upset when we succeed in taking down your father, will she?”

“No,” Paris said. “My whole life, she's warned me about slick men and their lies.”

“There you go. She fell for a pretty face. Admittedly, so did I, but I could tell their hearts were in the right place.”

Paris blew out a breath. “You’re right. I have to trust my gut.”

“What does your gut say now?”

“Since they haven’t made me any promises, I’d say they are more interested in their job than anything.”

“Don’t let their focused exterior fool you. It’s the strongest of men who love the hardest.” Charley snapped closed the suitcase. “You have everything?”

“I hope so, but if I left anything, I’m just next door.” Paris wanted to know more about their relationship. “How did you three meet?”

Charley smiled. “I was practicing my skills in some woods when I heard two wolves fighting. I went to check it out when I spotted Ian trotting off. He’d just fought his brother and left him bleeding on the ground.”

“How horrible.”

“Not really. He was trying to protect Mick who foolishly believed he was skilled enough to take on werewolves who most likely were enhanced.”

“Ian has a funny way of showing his concern.”

“You have that right.”
