Page 96 of Craving Their Mate

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“How are you?” Rider cupped her face and dragged his gaze down her body.

“I’m good now. Did you capture Delancey?”

“I don’t know yet. Once everyone shifted, it was hard to tell who was who.”

Trax placed a hand on Rider’s shoulder. “Do you need my help with Paris?”

“No, I got this. Check downstairs.”

“Will do.”

Paris hugged Rider again. “How did you find me?”

“It’s a long story. Let’s get you out of here first, and then I’ll give you the details.”

“Okay.” She didn’t want to stay in this place any longer than necessary anyway.

Paris’ legs were stiff, but with Rider’s help, she made it downstairs. The front door was busted, blood laced the floor, and at least one man—or should she say one wolf—was huddled in the corner barely breathing. Could that be her father? She hoped so. Another body was on the floor, but he was in his human form. She’d been told that when a wolf died, his body transformed. All in all, the carnage overwhelmed her.

"Is that my father?" she asked, pointing to the only wolf in the room.

"No." Rider kept his arm around her waist. “You don’t need to see this. Let’s go.”

“Do you think more of Delancey’s men will come?”

“Probably not, but I don’t want to take any more chances.” He turned to the back. “Hey, Grayson?”

A few seconds later, the other man in her life emerged from a hallway. The moment their eyes locked, Paris nearly cried from joy. “Grayson?”

He rushed over and lightly hugged her. He leaned back and dragged a hand down her face in the gentlest way possible. “Are you hurt?”

“I’m good now.”

“I’m going to get the car so Paris doesn’t have to walk half a mile,” Rider said.

“I’ll keep her safe while you go, but hurry.”

Trax came in from the porch. “I heard you needed the car.” He held out the keys since he’d driven. “Or I can get it for you.”

While Rider didn’t want to be away from Paris, she’d be safer if Trax did a sweep of the area instead. “How about checking the perimeter once more?”

“You got it.” He tossed Rider the car keys.

Rider ran back to where they'd parked. He could have shifted, but if anyone happened to drive by at night and see a wolf, it might scare them. Once he reached the vehicle, he jumped in and drove the short distance to the house.

As soon as he parked and went inside, Jay came out of the back hallway. “There’s something you need to see.”

Paris seemed to think she was included, because she took a few steps in his direction. Rider stopped her. “Maybe you should stay here with Grayson.”

She narrowed her eyes at him. “No. I need answers too.”

He understood her point. Rider looked over at Jay. “Nothing gruesome, right?”

Jay shook his head. “No.”

They entered what appeared to be an office—a very messy one. The drawers were pulled out of the desk and papers littered the floor. “If I had to guess, I’d say Delancey came to this house to find something. The question is what?” Rider asked.

Grayson walked around the room. “The cocaine lab wasn’t built in a day. If Delancey was Paul Statler’s half-brother, it’s possible the two of them were in cahoots. There could be evidence here of them collaborating.”
