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“Hades. I think I have enough on him. For now. I want to know more about, what did you call them? The monsters, I guess.”

“You… you want to talk about the monsters?” she asked.

If that fucking bottom lip didn’t stop pouting, I was going to forget all about the damned job, knock all her shit onto the floor, and surge inside her right there in the middle of the library. My cock was fucking aching for it.

“Yes,” I lied. “I want to talk about the monsters.”

“I, uhm, okay,” she said, putting a bookmark in her book, then fumbling around with her piles of books and notes before finally wrapping her hands around her travel mug.

Did my mind go right to those hands around my cock? Yes, absolutely. But I was just going to have to fucking ignore that, wasn’t I?

“What about the monsters?” she asked, looking at me, but if I wasn’t entirely mistaken, her gaze was on my ear, not my face. Like she was having trouble looking at me.

That should have thrilled me, seeing as I claimed to want to keep this whole situation casual and professional. Why, then, was it something more like disappointment and displeasure swirling through my system?

It seemed like the more time I was on this nightmare human plane, the more their pesky emotions started to become a part of my personality as well.

It was really fucking inconvenient.

“I guess I want to know the most powerful monsters in the myths. Why. And how they were defeated, if they were.”

“Well, the Hydra is always a fan favorite. Serpent-like. It’s venom could kill a man just from breathing it in. And each time you cut off one head, two more grow back in its place.

“Then there is Cerberus, the three-headed massive dog who guards the gate to the underworld.

“Oh, The Minotaur, of course.”

“Go on,” I encouraged as I scribbled notes to avoid looking at her. Her nearness… it was doing something to me that I didn’t understand, but knew I really needed nothing to do with.

“He’s got the body of a man with the head of a bull and likes to eat flesh.

“You could have Medusa. But modern players on your app would bristle if you called her a monster.”

“Why’s that?”

“Because the woman was cursed to become a monster as punishment for her own rape. She got a head full of snakes andturned any man to stone who looked upon her. You’d do better to spin that story for this newer generation.”

“Okay. Anyone else?”

“Well, Typhon, of course.”

“And who is Typhon?”

“Seriously?” she asked, her incredulous tone making my head lift. My gaze found hers, and it was only a second that I saw disbelief there, as it was quickly replaced with something much more heated.

I couldn’t help but wonder if my own gaze was the same, if she could tell that my thoughts had turned away from Greek lore and toward my face between her thighs, her sweet taste coating my tongue, or to my cock buried in her eager mouth.

“Yes, seriously,” I said, watching as she swallowed hard before her gaze darted away.

“Well, Typhon was the Father of All Monsters. He had massive wings, viper legs, dragon head fingers, and could shoot fire from his eyes. What?” she asked when a chuckle escaped me.

“Viper legs, dragon head fingers, and fire-shooting eyes. It sounds like a story a small child made up.”

“It is a bit over the top. Even for the myths,” she admitted. “Are you, ah, planning to have a lot of monsters in your app?”

“There… needs to be monsters to vanquish to, ah, go up levels,” I said, trying to remember the correct terminology I’d read about when researching app building. “Now, do the monsters get along? Say, would they gang up on the humans?”

“I mean… not really. I guess, for your app, they can do whatever you want them to do. But it isn’t canon. They were all… did you hear that?” she asked, stiffening.
