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It was no wonder humans were so fucking stressed out all the time if they felt everything like Charlotte was feeling for a man she’d just met.

“Yes,” he said. “And for all the other supernaturals and powerful people. We tend not to fare well when wars wage.”

“That’s why shit is so calm around here?” I asked, looking around his empty house that was so notorious for its wild, never-ending parties. “You don’t want to draw any attention more to yourself than necessary?”

“That about sums it up. I’m not even taking on any clients right now. They’re, understandably, freaking the fuck out. But I’m trying to save my powers to work on this bigger issue at hand. That being said, I will put feelers out about your brother,” he said, giving me a nod. “If for no other reason than Daemon finds the best ‘shrooms I’ve ever had.”

“That sounds like him,” I agreed, feeling something I wasn’t sure I ever really had before. Worry. Mixed with something that felt like what the humans called… missing him?


I never thought I wouldmissthat pain in my ass.

But, clearly, I was starting to.

“Is there anything else you can tell me to bring back to Ace?”

To that, he looked away for a moment, eyes going almost black as he, I don’t know, saw shit or whatever the fuck he did.

“That you are going to have a visitor soon,” Arick said. “Don’t ask me for more. I don’t know. But what I can say is that they are powerful.”

“So a supernatural of some sort? Or are we talking about a god?” I asked, my wing subconsciously pulling Charlotte closer.

“I can’t tell. I can just say it is powerful.”

“That’s not helpful,” I told him, sighing.

“No,” he agreed. “But you know to prepare. That witch of yours should be powerful enough to set some wards. Protectthose of you who are vulnerable to attack,” he said, glancing at Charlotte.

“How soon is soon?” I asked.

“A day, no more,” he said, squinting, seeming to try to get a better feel. “That’s the best I can do. And Charlotte,” he called, making her jump because she hadn’t given him her name. “Your father is coming home. Should be interesting to explain this to him,” he said, waving at the two of us. “If that’s all, I have work to do,” Arick said. “But I will be in touch about Daemon.”

“Thanks, Arick,” I said, turning to go toward the front hall.

“Bael,” Arick called.

“Yeah?” I asked.

“Wings in before you step outside,” he reminded me.

“Right,” I said to myself as my wings slowly moved back in.

“Your shirt is all ripped now,” Charlotte said, glancing at my back.

“Yeah, that’s a problem I guess I have to prepare for moving on,” I said.

“It’s so cold now,” she said, and I wasn’t prepared for the warm sensation moving across my chest at her words, some part of me wanting her to want to be wrapped up in my wings.

“Are you excited that your father wants to come back?” I asked, opening the passenger door to her car.

“Yes. If he does.”

“You doubt Arick’s abilities?” I asked.

“I don’t want to say that I doubt them. I just… this is all so much to wrap my head around. Wizards. With abilities to see things.”

“He can do a lot more than see things. I think he’s holding back right now. Reserving his power.”
