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And I was excited to see what that meant for the future.

Bael - 1 month

It was not as unusual to hear the bell ring these days as it had once been. What with a bunch of modern human women around, there was a lot of online shopping going on. Even as the world burned. And because human companies were selfish, money-grabbing, soulless organizations, its people kept bringing those packages.

Still, there was a strange feeling in my gut as Charlotte climbed off of my lap to rush to answer it, likely expectinganother package of books she’d ordered and was waiting on like human children waited on gifts on their holidays.

It didn’t help that her father had finally made it back to the States, and was renting the house just down the street, so the two of them were constantly finding new, or obscure old, books that they felt the need to study.

He’d been a pretty good fucking sport in accepting everything. It probably helped that he wasn’t an atheist like his daughter had been. And that he’d seen some “strange things indeed” during his travels from Europe and back to the US.

If he had any objections to his only daughter shacking up with a demon, he kept them to himself.

Hell, it could have even been her dad at the door.

But, somehow, I knew it wasn’t.

There was something about the way my skin sort of sizzled that told me it wasn’t her dad, or a package, or anything as tame as that.

I was already climbing off the couch when I heard Charlotte call, her voice raised and concerned, making me rush into the hall to see what it was.

I don’t know what I had been expecting.

But it damn sure wasn’t what was right in front of me.

And that was my missing, prodigal brother, half draped over a small, pretty woman, and looking like he’d been tortured relentlessly in recent history since he hadn’t had a chance to heal yet.

“Daemon,” I breathed out his name, making Charlotte’s eyes widen as she looked at him again.

It was no wonder she didn’t see the family resemblance.

Daemon was bloodied and bruised, most of his features obscured by the swelling from his injuries.

“I didn’t know what else to do,” the woman said, eyes huge. “I got him free. And I just… I brought him home,” she said, letting me take his weight off of her.

I had a feeling there was a story there.

But that was one for another day.

I had to get my brother upstairs and in his room first.

Then explain to him about the old gods, about Charlotte, about Lucifer himself, about my Claiming.

Then, eventually, I guessed we would get to his story about the pretty woman at the door who, apparently, had saved him…

Charlotte - 1 year

It was time.

I mean, maybe if the world was a different place, I might have put it off a while longer. There was definitely still a little bit of fear inside of me, despite how many times Lenore, Jo, Nova, and Dale told me it was safe, that they were still the same people, that nothing changed except I now would have forever with the man I was madly in love with.

But the world wasn’t different.

It was just getting worse and worse by the day.

And all that uncertainty was what pushed me to finally make the decision.

I knew Bael had been wanting it for months. But he’d kept silent about it, not wanting to pressure me, allowing me to make the decision in my own time.

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