Page 28 of Ruin the Friendship

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“Kelsey, please,” I beg, rolling my eyes at the giggle that passes through my ears.

“Are you going after him?” she questions, hope laced in every word. I don’t say anything at first because I don't want to get her hopes up. She knows every aspect of what happened between me and her brother. She knows why I’ve stayed radio silent when it comes to his texts and she’s relayed that to him, with my permission. I didn't want Kacey to think I didn't care for him, when in fact it was the exact opposite. I knew when he told me he was falling in love with me that I was feeling the same. I knew that if I let my guard down that I would fall headfirst under his spell and never want to come up for air, and that was the problem. I wanted to believe that a future between us would work, I wanted to believe every word he said, every promise he made because they made everything sound perfect. But I knew reality would set in and I wanted to guard my heart as much as possible.

Yet over the last few months, I’ve realized that guarding my heart was the worst thing I could have done. I was making both of us miserable and for what? What if that might not even happen?

“Yes, I’m going after him,” I concede, knowing she's going to find out eventually and I wouldn’t get the information I need from her until I spilled my guts, so might as well cave now and save me some time.

“I knew it!” Kelsey screams as I pull the phone away from my ear to save my hearing while plastering a huge smile on my face. The nerves I was feeling just a moment ago are erased as Kelsey rattles off an address in New Orleans along with the address of his tattoo shop just in case.

“I’ll call you when I land, okay?” I mutter right before hanging up, opening my laptop, and searching for flights. By the time I book the flight, take a cab to the airport, and board the plane it’s been five hours and the excitement I felt just hours ago begins to shift into nervousness and I pray that when I land, I won't be disappointed.

* * *

The cab stops directly in front of a gorgeous corner of townhomes set directly in the French quarter. The iron balcony is adorned with seasonal flowers, the colors brightening up the brick behind it. I quickly pay the driver before he helps get my suitcase as I stand and stare up at one of the most beautiful buildings I have ever seen.

I look down at my phone, reading off the address again and wondering how Kacey could afford a place like this. I knew he made good money, but this is nicer than anything I could ever afford.

“Are you alright miss?” the cab driver asks with a look of skepticism in his eyes. I grace him with my best smile, nodding as I look back at the building behind me.

“Yes, I just didn't expect the architecture to be so beautiful, that’s all.” His smile lights up his face as he winks before getting back into the cab and driving off. I take one last look at the building before I try and find my way up to his apartment. But when I walk around the block once and see no door that appears to lead upstairs, I wonder if I’m better off going to his tattoo shop rather than standing here on the corner looking like an idiot.

“Ashley?” I hear whispered from behind me. When I turn I half expect it to be Kacey, our hallmark movie moment cemented on this corner, but instead, I see the very confused face of Reggie. “What are you doing here?” he asks, his eyes darting between me and the building behind me.

“Um…” I mutter, not really knowing how to explain myself to a man who probably knows everything that happened between Kacey and me, and probably hates me because of it. “I wanted to come to see Kacey,” I whisper, peering behind me at the apartments and wondering if I’ve made a huge mistake. “I wanted to surprise him and knock on his door but it seems I have no idea how to get in.” He tries to hide the smirk, but I see it peek through before he shakes his head.

“He's at work.” I visibly deflate, slumping my shoulders as I take a deep breath. “He’ll be there until late tonight. He’s trying to make up for the six months he was away and is taking any and all clients that want to come in.” I nod, understanding but also realizing that maybe those texts didn't mean when I thought they meant. Maybe he was just trying to get me to talk to him and let me know he's moved on and since I refused, he's just continued. The doubt about my whole plan creeps into my subconscious until Reggie clasps me on the shoulder, his head shaking.

“What?” I ask, confusion lacing my tone.

“Stop that train of thought that just passed over your eyes. I've seen it for months in Kacey and seeing it now in your eyes tells me all I need to know about why you're here.” I crinkle my brow, confused about what’s going on. “He hasn't stopped talking about you since you left the cruise.” I open my mouth to say something, anything, that will get this pit out of my stomach, but nothing comes out. “He knows he fucked up and he’s lived with that every day since you left the ship, but seeing you here? He’s going to flip the fuck out.” The smile plastered on his face is enough to break my trance and a small, relieved laugh escapes.

“So, you think he’ll be happy to see me?” I question as Reggie wraps his arm around my shoulder before taking my suitcase in his other hand and pulling me down the road.

“Girl, that boy might shit his pants when he sees you.” I laugh, the relief palpable as we make our way to the shop, my heart racing and my mind reeling.



Today has been a shit day. I've spent most of my morning fielding calls, messages, and DMs from people wanting tattoos now that I’m back on land, and as much as I love the support and the need for my art, all I want to do is pack up my shit and go to California.

Being away from Ashley for all these months has just solidified how much I want her in my life, and at this point, I would take her any way I can get her. But this silent treatment she's been giving me is causing every nerve in my body to go into overdrive. Every aspect of the life I once loved is causing me anxiety. I used to love to be fully booked, staying late at the shop and wanting no personal life. It allowed me to stay focused and put everything else on the back burner. But now, with the taste of perfection I had on that ship, I know what I’m missing and I don't know if I’m going to be able to handle being here much longer.

Ashley asked for space. At least she said so through my sister and I tried to take it to heart. Yes, I texted her good morning and good night every day, but I never expected her to respond. I just wanted her to know that I was thinking of her and that I wasn’t going anywhere. I half expected her to tell me to quit after the first month, but she didn't. I also expected her to block and delete my number after month two but when she didn't do that either I knew there was a sliver of hope. And it's that sliver that’s holding me together as I try and make it through this day.

When I hear the bell on the door, I look up to see Reg poking his head through the door. When I see the lack of food in his hands I roll my eyes, wondering what distracted him from getting me lunch.

“I thought I sent you to get me food,” I grumble, leaning over my iPad and drawing out a quick sketch of what I want for this next client’s tattoo. “Did you get distracted by the girl playing piano across the street again?” I joke as he gives me the middle finger.

“Actually, I found something of yours outside your building that you might be glad I picked up,” he says as my eyes peer over at him only to see Ashley walk through the door, looking like a goddess straight out of a Greek myth. Her long auburn hair flows down past her shoulders as her pale skin glows in the yellow sundress that both shows me too much and not enough of that killer body I know she's hiding.

“Ash?” I whisper, my eyes bugging out of my head as my hands shake, my legs doing the same as I try and stand only to fall against the table, catching myself just in time to not embarrass myself. “What are you doing here?” Her eyes catch Reggie who winks, pushing her further into the shop as he closes the door behind her and then standing in front of it to give us as much privacy as possible. God sometimes that man makes it hard to hate him.

“I wanted to surprise you. I actually went to your place, but then couldn’t find a way in and then Reggie found me and told me you were here.” She's rambling, the nerves clear in the way her voice catches every few seconds and it breaks my heart that she's unsure at this moment when all I feel is content for the first time in months.

“You look beautiful,” I mutter, taking her in one more time because I’ve spent months going off memories of her and they’re nothing compared to the woman standing before me. “God I missed you so fucking much.” I cringe, not meaning to say that last part out loud but also loving the way she reacts to those words.

“I’m sorry,” Ashley whispers, her eyes searching mine as I shake my head, taking a few steps toward her before stopping. “I’m sorry I never responded, I’m sorry I made you question what you meant to me, and I’m really sorry I never told you how I felt about you that night on the ship.” My heart is beating outside my chest, the fear laced with hope is almost too much to bear.
