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“I have no idea if anything is even open yet since we’re still boarding, but wanna check out the food?” I nod, my stomach grumbling and hoping we can find somewhere with some food so I can eat something.

It doesn't take us long to reach the fifteenth deck where I’m shocked to see a food court. Never in my wildest dreams did I think a cruise ship would have something like this and from what I can see, this is where I will be spending most of my free time.

“Holy cow,” Kelsey mutters beside me as we meander through groups of people, taking note of all the restaurants as we pass. “Wanna get a snack?” I look around and see that many people already have food in their hands and I nod, wondering if coming onto this ship was worth it for the food alone.

“So did you just bring me on this trip to set me up with your brother, or was there another reason?” I ask as we sit down and start eating. Kelsey rolls her eyes, shoving her face with some chicken nuggets. I shake my head, hiding the smirk that’s threatening to peek out. When she's finally done chewing, I ask again. “Come on Kels. Is Kacey the only reason I’m here?”

“Ash come on, as much as I want you and my brother to work out your clear attraction to each other, I also wanted to spend time with you. I never see you anymore.” My entire body deflates and guilt washes over me like every other time she brings up how much we don't see each other.

“I know, I’m sorry. If I’m being honest, I did have a plan to move back home after graduation.” Kels tilts her head and eyes me suspiciously.

“Then why didn't you?” I can't help but hear the annoyance in her tone. I know she struggled when I left for college. I know she didn't understand why I decided to move to the other side of the country when she was staying on the east coast. It's something that caused a huge rift in our friendship for almost the first full year I was away.

“Because the idea of coming back to nothing made me want to peel my skin off my body.” Her eyes widen and just as she opens her mouth to say something I shake my head and stop her. “I know what you’re going to say and please don’t try and guilt me about it.”

“What?” she says with an innocent grin. “I wasn’t going to say anything…” I roll my eyes and she chuckles softly.

“Kels, I know you and your family are there and that’s the only reason I almost gave in, but I wanted to prove to my parents, and to myself, that I could do it myself.”

“Do what yourself?” she asks as my eyes drift over the sea of people filtering into the lounge area.

“Exist?” I admit, thinking back to when I left for college, my father’s words ringing in my ears as I left. You’ll be back, and your mother and I will be here to tell you I told you so when that happens. I haven’t been back since, and for some reason, that’s a sense of pride to me.

“You don't have to prove anything to them.” I smile, wishing she was right, but deep down I know I will always crave their approval, even if I know I will never get it.

“And yet they still tell me what a failure I am whenever they talk to me.” Kelsey shakes her head, standing and holding out her hand. “What are you doing?”

“I’m going to find us a place to get drinks and then we're going to get drunk.” I try to decline the idea, knowing it's a horrible one, but giving her my hand anyway. “You need to relax, and I need to loosen up for tomorrow's speed dating, so let’s go!” she whisper-yells as she pulls me out of the food court area and toward the elevators.

“Is there any way I can stop this from happening?” I ask, already knowing the answer.

“Fuck no.”

“That’s what I thought. Lead the way, my friend!”



I slept like shit.

The idea that Ashley is on this ship somewhere filtered through my brain all night, making me wonder if I took this a step too far. Telling Kelsey about this cruise and planting the seed to have her bring Ash along seemed like a great idea at the time, but now after seeing her face, I wonder if I should have left well enough alone.

“You look like a ray of sunshine this morning,” Reg mutters as I step into the shop and sink into one of the big chairs by the front desk. I send him a look, hoping he gets the idea to leave me the fuck alone but of course, he ignores it. “Couldn’t sleep?”

“You could say that,” I mutter, getting up and making my way to the back where the coffee maker is. The shop doesn’t open for another few hours, so I have time to get everything ready but before I can even begin to make myself a cup, my phone rings.

“Hello Kels, I didn't realize you knew what this time of day looked like,” I joke, knowing how much my sister hates mornings.

“Ha. Ha. You're so funny.” I roll my eyes, leaning back against the counter, pinching the bridge of my nose, and waiting for her to continue.

“What do you want Kels?”

“Ouch, looks like we swapped bodies today.” I make a grunting sound as she chuckles softly in my ear. “I wanted to invite you to have breakfast with Ash and me at the pub.” The second she mentions Ash my heart starts racing and the idea of seeing her fills my chest. I know my reaction to her is intense. I've kept it at bay for years and now that I’ve decided to just go for it, no matter the consequences, my body has begun to react in kind.

“I don't think that’s a good idea,” I admit, remembering the wide-eyed look on Ashley’s face when she opened the door.

“You're the one that wanted her here,” she accuses, my eyes shutting as I listen to my sister sigh so loudly I’m sure someone could hear her clear across the boat.
