Page 34 of Montana Storm

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He laughed. “No, you don’t. Just be happy. All of us can see you are. And we’re relieved.”

“We better get back in there,” I said. “Before the girls make her tell them everything.”

Grant laughed. “If you don’t think they’ll do that, regardless, you don’t know them very well.”

“Oh, I know they will. I just hope it’ll be when I’m out of earshot.”

Sure enough, when I walked back in, the girls were all clustered around Lena, and the questions were flying a million miles a second. I put down the pies on the counter and reached through the throng. Her eyes found mine instantly. She wasn’t overwhelmed; she was happy. But the way she looked to me right away brushed up against the part of me I loved. The trust she still gave me, even though I’d broken it. “Would you like something to drink?”

“Yes, please.”

I went over to the bar—familiar territory since I’d spent most of my time over here, trying to keep myself away from Lena. I poured her a glass of white wine and didn’t pour myself anything. I wanted to be clearheaded tonight, no matter what.

“I assume you plan on joining us again now, Jude?” Harlan called. “You don’t have to stay over there.”

“Something I appreciate,” I said.

Harlan leaned against the counter, Grace tucked up under his arm. They looked so natural together, it was a wonder we ever thought they were enemies.

“How long before dinner?” Cori asked. “I have a patient I really need to go check on. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

“On Thanksgiving?” Evie asked. “Someone called you today?”

Cori shrugged. “No, this is at the clinic. I’m sure they’re fine, but I want to check.”

“I’ll drive you.” Grant wrapped his arms around her from behind. “I’m faster.”

I noted the way he held her, his hand on her wrists, subtly pulling her arms across her body so she couldn’t move them. You would only notice if you were looking for it, but the way he had her restrained was enough to make color appear in her cheeks. I noticed her smile and the way she swallowed before speaking, and I wondered if checking on Cori’s patient was the only thing they’d be doing.

“Okay,” Evie said. “But we’re eating in an hour. Don’t be late.”

“We won’t!”

They escaped too quickly for me to be wrong.

I handed Lena her glass of wine and slipped an arm around her. It felt strange being able to show affection in public, but we’d more than earned it. This felt right, being next to her and not in the corner imagining the way she’d look spread out underneath me.

Of course, I was still imagining that, but having her next to me was intoxicating.

“Did we miss something?” Noah was pushing through the door, Kate in tow. “Why are they leaving?”

“Cori has to check on a patient,” Grace said.

Kate laughed and clapped a hand over her mouth. “I’m sorry.”

“Why?” Lucas raised an eyebrow.

Noah laced his fingers with Kate’s. “Because Grant had her up against the truck, and they don’t seem very concerned about checking anything but each other’s mouths.”

“Seems about right,” Liam laughed.

He was in the corner I usually occupied, a drink in his hand. “Taking my place, Liam?”

“Maybe.” His voice was mild. “But I don’t plan on staying there nearly as long as you did.”

I choked on the sip I was taking. “Fair.”

The front door opened once more, and Kate’s brother came inside, followed by Mara. Liam’s neck nearly broke with how quickly he looked at her, and in between her and the brother. A second later, he saw me looking and shook his head.

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