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You cried for Dylan.

Before I could begin to entertain that thought, my pocket buzzed with an incoming text, and my attention was pulled from the mirror to the phone.

Dylan: Hey, I got home in one piece.

Dylan: Well, two, if you count the fake leg.

I sniffed a laugh and smiled as my fingers typed out a reply.

Me: Good. Sounds like you're in better shape than I am right now. Fake leg and all.

Dylan: It's your birthday. Why aren't you celebrating between the sheets with your boy toy?

Me: I could be wrong, but getting into a fight might've had something to do with it.

Dylan: Who fights with his girlfriend on her birthday?

Me: Apparently, the guy who feels threatened by his girlfriend's best guy friend.

Was it more than I should have divulged? Absolutely, and I was already biting at my lip, regretting that I hadn't texted Tarryn instead. She had warned me after all. She had told me this would happen, and why hadn't I listened?

Because you didn't want to believe it could.

Because you expected more from Peter.

Because you expected more from Dylan … and yourself.

The notification that Dylan was typing popped up, then disappeared, and popped up again. Two minutes later, I received his reply.

Dylan: One, I'm sorry I gave you the bracelet. It was too much. I fucked up. And two, HE fucked up by bringing this shit up tonight and not tomorrow morning.

Me: I guess he thought it couldn’t wait.

Dylan: Bullshit. It could've waited a few hours. He didn't have to start a fight with you tonight. Birthdays should be good. You should be able to look back on them fondly. But now, when you look back on this one, you're gonna remember your boyfriend picked a fight with you because he was too jealous of nothing to keep his mouth shut for a few more fucking hours.

Me: Wow. Tell me how you really feel.

Dylan: Whatever. It's a dick move, and you know it.

Me: He's a good guy.

Dylan: I didn't say he wasn't.

I was considering what to say next when a knock came at the door. I stuffed the phone back in my pocket as I turned to open it and found Peter standing on the other side.

He wasn't smiling, but I was relieved to at least find the anger gone from his eyes.

“You didn't have to hide in the bathroom,” he said in a flat tone.

“I thought the bedroom would be weird in the event that you decided to break up with me,” I replied, shrugging.

He crossed his arms and leaned his weight against the doorframe. “Do I have a reason to break up with you?”

“No,” I said, shaking my head and matching his crossed-arm stance. “I mean, I don't think so anyway.”

“Okay then.”

He turned from the doorway and headed down the hall toward the bedroom. I followed quietly, unsure of what was expected of me now, and found him unbuttoning his shirt.
