Page 2 of Cursed Pack

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“Me? No. Killing is messy, and I don’t like messy. As for your next host, I can’t guarantee that she won’t.” Kellan crossed his legs and smiled. “Back to my questions. What’s your name?”

“Emily,” I responded without thinking. Shit… Whatever kept my powers in check, drained the energy out of me. You need to think, Em. Focus. I could hear Cassian’s voice in my mind. I sat straighter and pulled at the rope again.

“Mmm, Emily. My boys tell me you were responsible for the fire at NYU and a few other rumors have drifted this way. I can barely believe that such a pretty little witch could have so much power.”

“Stop burning whatever is blocking my powers and I’ll show you.” I feigned innocence with a sickly sweet smile.

Kellan laughed. “I may not look clever, but I’m definitely not stupid. The question that is burning my ass, is why would a sweet and powerful witch like you be hanging around my traitorous, imbecile brother?”

I forced my face to look questioning, as if I had no idea what he was talking about even though the resemblance was enough of an indicator. My silence was more due to my immediate thought of protecting Griffin. Whatever his reasons for leaving his pack, it was clear that they were valid. I knew nothing about this pack except what I’d overheard and what my instincts were screaming at me. I knew that I couldn’t let them get their hands on Griffin; I had no doubt that they would torture him or kill him and my heart dropped at the thought. I’m probably going to die anyway, might as well keep him safe, and then he’ll be free from this bond too.

“Griffin, tall guy, looks like me, only less attractive. Not much of a personality, though.” He scoffed. I shook my head, continuing the act. He lunged forward, grabbed my jaw in his hand and squeezed. Pain lanced through my face as the cut reopened on my lip. Warm blood trickled down my chin and onto his hand. “I’ll let you in on a little fact—patience and I are not friends. My friendliness only stretches so far. Understood?”

His eyes had changed to almost black, and his breath heated my face. I nodded and he sat back, dusting his jeans. Kellan looked at the blood on his hand and slowly, deliberately without breaking eye contact, licked the line of red and smiled again. Danger. Danger. Danger. I didn’t lick my lip or move my jaw to ease the pain that settled. Blood covered the inside of my mouth from the pressure he’d placed on my jaw.

“I met Griffin at NYU, he pulled me out of the fire. He’s not my friend, we’ve just hung out a few times. I’m new in the city, and he offered to show me around.”

Kellan pouted. “How chivalrous. Did you get matching manicures and have slumber parties? I think you might be delirious. Griffin is selfish, he doesn’t help anyone unless he has something to gain from it.”

“Is that why I’m here? Why didn’t you just take Griffin? I don’t understand how any of this is my problem. Your family drama has nothing to do with me.”

“You may have a point. I’m just curious, why would a werewolf save a witch? Surely you know that our history is… tense. I would just hate for him to use you in some grand plan to attack us. He’s a manipulator, Emily. He will use you and then toss you aside, like he did with his family.” Kellan shrugged and the fake smile dropped from his lips.

Irritation bubbled up inside of me. This was the furthest thing from a family, and even though I meant nothing to Griffin, the way his brother spoke about him made me angry. “Look, Kellan. I don’t know what happened with Griffin and your pack, but I’m tired. You clearly have some issues. I don’t know what you want, but I do know that bargaining with Samara won’t end well for you. She’ll probably be pissed that you wasted her time with me anyway.”

Angering him probably wasn’t the best idea, but the pain in my head was affecting my ability to reason and think clearly. “If you’ll let me be honest, I think you’re a coward. Bargaining with that woman to save your ass, I think you’re trying to kiss some backside to prove that you’re a man, and I’m sure that you’re trying to compensate for something. And lastly, I think Griffin is so much better than you and leaving this ridiculous pack was the best thing he could have done. At least he has some sense.” I grinned at Kellan, his face had gone red and the vein in his neck bulged. “Oh, and if you were man enough to face me without burning your little mix, I would beat your pathetic ass and hand it to you on a platter.”

I spat blood at his feet, but before I could straighten again, his fist connected with my temple. There was a flash of pain and then darkness.

There were no dreams. I had no idea how long I’d been unconscious. A voice drifted through my mind, gentle at first and then growing urgent.

“Princess? Em? Emily!” His voice was hushed but forceful. “You need to wake up, Princess. We don’t have much time.”

“Griffin?” I smiled. He had a nice voice. It made the darkness a little more bearable.

Shaking. Something was shaking me. No… someone. Suddenly the bubble of darkness popped and hands were on my shoulders. I thrashed and pulled and almost fell to the floor. The ropes were gone, my wrists and legs were loose and leaden. My body hurt and when I opened my eyes, I could barely see out of the right eye, where Kellan had punched me.

“Shhh, stop fighting. It’s me.” Griffin’s face drifted into my view, and I had to bite back tears. “Don’t go crying on me now, Princess. You can cry as soon as we’re out.”

I tried to stand, but my legs gave out. Warm arms wrapped around my waist, and I slung an arm around his neck. He smelled like a pine forest on a warm day—fresh and comforting, like everything good.

“I know it’s hard, but I’m going to need you to crawl. There’s a hidden trapdoor. I’ll go first, and then I’ll pull you out. Okay?” His voice was gentle but serious. “We need to hurry, guys will be patrolling before midnight and if we get caught…”

I nodded, or I think I did. I didn’t want to think about what would happen if they found us.

Griffin led me to the far corner of the room behind the chair I’d been tied to and pushed a small flap open. He squeezed through the hole, and in seconds his hands were there, motioning for me to follow. I held onto them and he pulled. The night air cooled my heated and bruised face, fresh air flooded my senses and the moon shone high in the black sky.

“What time is it? The change.” I mumbled.

“Don’t worry about that. Can you walk?”

I took a step and stumbled. I couldn’t feel my feet. Griffin lifted me into his arms and ran. I could feel sweat trickling down his neck, and his muscles bunched under the fabric of his shirt. “Thank you,” I whispered and tucked my head between his shoulder and neck. I was so tired.

“Saving you is becoming a habit, Princess.” He laughed tightly.

I wanted to say something witty back, but I pressed closer and breathed him in before darkness claimed me once again. Home, you smell like home…
