Page 3 of Cursed Pack

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My head… The pain throbbed on a constant loop; it faded from my head, appeared in my jaw, moved to my wrists and ankles, and then back up again. My body felt alien but the sheets caressing my skin were soft and luxurious. Am I back home? Peaches!I sat straight up in bed at the thought of cuddling my dog again, and regretted the motion immediately; every muscle screamed at the sudden movement and begged me to lay back down again.

The room was dark, but the sun crept through the gaps in the blinds, and my eyes stung from the minor light. I tried to look around, eyes heavy with sleep and pain, but I couldn’t make out much besides the huge bed that could easily fit five fully grown adults. As my eyes adjusted, I noticed a few more items—a dark chest of drawers against the wall that was bare except for a lamp balanced on the edge, the curtains and bedding were black, and the brick walls were bare. Definitely not my room…Tears threatened to spill as I realized that Peaches wasn’t there. She was in Cape May with Kelly, and I wouldn’t be able to hold her soft, furry body for who knows how long.

In a daze, I flipped my aching legs over the edge of the bed, and my feet sank into plush carpets. I padded over to the windows and threw the curtains open and the sun burned my eyes. The huge windows looked over lower New York City, and although I knew the city was busy with activity, the street below was quiet. The fresh air started to clear the haziness from my mind, and I started to look for hints at whose bedroom I was in and why, but the bedroom was just as bare in the sunlight as it had been in the dark.

I made my way to the bathroom on the opposite side of the room and flicked the light switch. Bare as well. Black towels hung from the towel rack, and a dark tiled walk-in shower took up most of the space. The only personal items were a toothbrush and cologne on the vanity. I reached for the cologne and stopped short when I caught my reflection in the mirror, I was looking at a stranger.

I looked tiny in an oversized black shirt that hung to my bare thighs. My legs and arms were littered with bruises, and my wrists were encircled by angry, raw lines. My cheek sported a dark purple mark similar to the ones on the rest of my body. The only feature that screamed familiarity were my eyes; they were my crystal blue—the color stood out from the dark circles that lined them. My left eye was swollen, and my lip had a small split on the bottom corner.

Tears threatened to spill at the sight before me. I spun on my heel and searched for my clothes, anger and panic replaced the hopelessness. My search came up empty, and I sat down heavily on the bed, head in my hands.

I took a few deep breaths forcing myself not to cry or scream. I couldn’t remember much, but images slowly formed in my head. Me in a chair bound at the wrists and ankles. Me with a gag in my mouth and blood coating my lips. I remember smelling lavender and something else. While I tried to sort through the images, a sound outside of the door made me pause. Voices—there were people out there. Were they the ones who tied me up? I crept silently to the door and pushed my ear to the surface.

“She’s pretty battered up,” said a man’s hushed voice. He sounded familiar.

“Of course! Somehow she always manages to get herself into shitty situations. Why did you save her? It was dangerous and reckless. If Kellan caught you, you would have been skinned and hung to dry! Running in there for Emily was stupid and you know it.” This was a woman, also familiar.

“You know why. Besides you helped me, and if I hadn’t gone, Cassian would have barged in there like the brute he is. It would have created a huge fight between his pack and Kellan’s, and as much as I don’t care about what happens to either of them, there’s already a war coming. I’d like to avoid any more issues.”

Awareness finally kicked in, and I felt stupid for not realizing earlier, for not picking up on the fresh mint and pine scent. I was with Griffin and Morgan. This must be his place, his towels, his shirt… Did he see me naked? My cheeks flushed at the thought and a wave of embarrassment washed over me.

Footsteps sounded on the other side. “No, wait! Let her sleep.”

“She’s been out for hours. We need to know if she heard anything.” There was a pause, and I could picture Morgan glaring at Griffin. “Are you starting to care about her?”

Griffin scoffed, “Don’t be ridiculous. Do you really think I didn’t consider letting them sever the bond for me? I just don’t want to deal with her bad mood if you go barging in there.”

I’d heard enough and yanked the door open. “I’m sorry that saving me was such an inconvenience. It’s good to see that you two are still assholes.”

I stomped over to the kitchen counter that Griffin was leaning against, ignoring the beautiful, open plan area. Nothing about the apartment matched my view of Griffin and his tastes. I thought he lived on campus and went through the change at Morgan’s bar. How did he afford all of this? The apartment had a typical warehouse style with bare brick walls, a modern black kitchen took up the middle of the room, and behind that was a seating area with comfortable leather couches and a wall of books. Vines lined the big windows, and light filled the area.

“You’re up.” Griffin’s gaze took in my body, and it looked like he wanted to say more, but a glance at Morgan pulled him up short.

“Where are my clothes?” I asked. I wanted to leave.

Morgan cleared her throat. Her face changed from the one filled with sarcasm to one of concern. “Slow down. Sorry about anything you might have overheard earlier. Things are heated, but we are glad you’re okay. Your clothes were ruined, but Cassian is bringing a fresh change.”

I didn’t look away from Morgan, but the anger started to subside, and was quickly replaced as pain once again throbbed through my body.I wrapped my arms around myself. Griffin took a step forward, but I wasn’t ready for any pity or concern from him. After what he’d said, it would probably be fake anyway.

“Did you enjoy the view?” I sneered at him.

He stopped moving. “I just saved your life, Princess. Check your attitude.”

I opened my mouth to retort, but the front door opened, and Cassian walked in. His eyes locked on mine. He dropped the bag in his hands and reached me in four big steps. He wrapped his arms around me and scooped me into his arms. I instantly melted into him.

Cassian was warm and tears threatened again, but this time because I felt comforted. He squeezed me slightly, and I winced as pain lanced through my body. I wanted to ignore it but he put me down and held my shoulders gently.

“Are you okay? I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you.” He watched me closely, his eyes heating as he took me in. It felt like it was just us in the room. I suddenly felt self-conscious as the realization hit me that I was standing in front of him in nothing but a shirt. In normal circumstances I wouldn’t be, he'd seen me in a bikini, but since the trip to the Ancient One our relationship had shifted.

“I’m okay. Everything hurts, it’s not you.” I looked at the bag that had been forgotten at the door. “Please tell me there are clothes in there? I would do anything for a shower right now.”

Cassian nodded and jogged over to the bag. He handed it to me, and I could feel his concerned gaze as I walked back to the bedroom.

“Help yourself, Princess. Towels are in the vanity cupboard,” Griffin said as I closed the door.

* * *
