Page 39 of Cursed Pack

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I’d told Ember almost everything about my life and who I was up to this point. We spoke about random stuff and then drifted back to serious things. It was so easy and she was a funny girl, laughed more than I had in a while, genuine laughter. I could also sense that she had been through a lot, pain simmered under the surface.

“Okay, I’ve told you everything there is to know about me. Your turn,” I said and sipped on my third mimosa.

“I don’t think we have enough time. The guys will be awake soon.” I glared at her and she sighed dramatically. “Fine, I’ll give you the shortened version. I grew up in New York City. My parents were super religious, like church on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Sundays. I struggled to make friends at school and then I started seeing things. I watched paranormal movies whenever my parents were out, and I started to think that maybe I was a witch. I snuck out one night and visited a local psychic woman, she just about fell out of her chair when she read my palm. I thought she was a fake but I started to doubt that assumption. After that I looked into it more, found out I was still human but I was a seer. One night I decided to confide in my parents, this was years later at the end of high school. They lost their shit and kicked me out. Called me a demon and accused me of selling my soul.” Ember disappeared into her memories and chewed her piercing again. “ They packed my things and threw me out.”

“Where did you go?” I couldn’t imagine the pain of being written off by your family. Kelly sort of did the same thing, but she wasn’t my real mom and we had drifted apart long before I left.

She took a deep breath and steeled herself. “I drifted, I was homeless; I had no money, barely any belongings and nowhere to go. I worked at a bar and hopped from motel to motel. I met Cassian when he took a hiatus from his pack and he made me feel alive again. We spent every minute of every day together. One night, we got really drunk and hooked up. It happened a few times after that, but I still felt so disconnected. That’s when I realized that I was into girls. Anyway, he introduced me to the pack and his father didn’t approve. Cassian tried to keep me around but we lost contact until yesterday. I’ve been doing psychic work since, tracking people, reading people. It became quite boring, so imagine my relief when he called. I wanted to be angry with him, but I always knew if our friendship was real, he would find his way back.”

I smiled, it was a happy ending so far. “And now you have a bonus friend.”

“Cheers to that.” She clinked her glass against mine, and I had the feeling again that I’d known Ember for years.

We both whipped around when the bedroom door opened. Griffin rubbed his eyes and sauntered over to us. The remnants of sleep vanished with every step and he slung his arm around my shoulders when he got to where we were sitting.

“Drinking so early, ladies. Good thing I keep this place stocked.” His voice made my toes curl.

I tipped my glass in his direction. “Good afternoon, sleeping beauty.”

“Do you want one?” Ember asked but pouted when she discovered that the champagne bottle was empty. “Never mind. I think the bottle has a hole in it.”

“Sure.” Griffin drew out the word. “There’s another bottle in the bar fridge under the counter in the lounge.”

Ember’s face lit up at that and she bounced off in the direction of the lounge. Griffin stooped and brushed his lips lightly over mine. My eyes fluttered shut and my heart raced. I wanted to kiss him harder, to feel his hands around my waist and taste his tongue, but then I remembered that Cassian was in the room and Ember would be back in a second. I pulled back and put my palm on his chest. He smirked at me and I couldn’t help but smile.

“I need to tell Cassian about what happened between us,” I whispered and Griffin’s eyes sparkled.

He leaned in and his lips brushed against my ear. “He won’t be happy. Maybe we should keep it a secret.”

I shook my head and just then Ember strode back into the kitchen, champagne bottle in hand. Griffin took a small step back and I could breathe again. Moments later Cassian appeared and joined us at the counter. Ember filled four flutes with champagne and topped them up with orange juice.

“What are we celebrating?” Cassian asked, his voice still husky from sleeping.

“We’re just celebrating breakfast… or lunch,” Ember said and sipped hers delicately.

The room fell quiet as I cleared my throat and nodded at Ember. The haze from the numerous mimosas cleared almost instantly. “We need to tell you two something. Last night was quite eventful,” Ember started and the guys remained silent, waiting for an explanation.

I filled them in on what happened and at Ember’s silent encouragement, I told them about the previous times too. Griffin and Cassian looked pale, and I could only imagine how helpless they felt at the thought of not being able to help because of the curse. We would put an end to it, I would put an end to it.

“Do you think Samara is behind it?” Cassian asked once he found his voice.

“Maybe. She’s the only one I can think of. But how would she know about the apartment? The only people that have been here are Tiny, Gus, Morgan, and the four of us. Cassian, your pack knows that we’re staying at an apartment, but they don’t know where, and the only other people that have been here are the delivery guys.”

Griffin lay his head on his arms. His only place of sanctuary had been infiltrated and it was because of me…

Cassian stood. “Well, it’s not safe here anymore. You can all stay at the warehouse. That way we can get Grace’s help, and I don't need to be away from the pack for too long. It’s safe, there are bedrooms for you and Ember, and there’s an open cell for Griffin.”

“We’ll be stepping on a lot of toes. I bet your pack has a really good opinion of me, not to mention a witch and a seer,” Griffin growled. “The last thing we need is to watch our backs.”

Cassian whirled on him, his anger surprised me, and I winced at his tone as he spoke to Griffin. “I am their alpha; they will not disobey me. They don’t make the decisions.”

Griffin held his hands up. “If you say so.”

“We’ll go. But if this thing found us here, who’s to say it won’t find us at the warehouse?” I asked.

“We can deal with that later. Right now, you and Ember are vulnerable. If it comes back, we can’t protect you, and what if it comes back stronger?” Cassian asked, his voice had calmed slightly.
