Page 30 of Wolf Embraced

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Sebastian tugged on my hand. “Should I pray to Natalie too, Alpha?”

I held his chin. “You can if you want to, Sebastian. She’s not a goddess, not really, but I think she’s becoming one. Maybe she’ll hear you, and you just might give her the strength she needs.”

I turned to the pack. “I know you’re all scared,” I said. “But our home will be saved. There are many people giving their all to make it so. We’ll be called home soon, once this vile enemy we’ve come to know is defeated. So keep your heads up. Natalie is one of us—a wolf, a warrior—and she won’t back down until the enemy has paid for what he’s done!”

“Well said, Elinor,” Hekate, who was standing beside Will, said.

“Could we be sent back to help?” a centaur asked. He had a satyr child sleeping soundly on his back. “Some want to fight. We know the risks, but we don’t care. It’s our home.”

“You were sent here to take away Cedric’s biggest asset—you,” Hekate answered. “If you become infected, he’ll have added one more soul to his army. We needed to take control of the situation, and this was the solution we had. If it comes down to it and we’re needed, we’ll go back and fight, okay?”

The centaur nodded, followed by a few others. Above us, amid the colorful clouds, the sound of buzzing could be heard. We looked up at a swarm of what looked like insects descending from the clouds but they were mechanical and silver.

This must be the hive-minded creature Hekate had spoken of.

“Don’t panic, they’re harmless,” Hekate reassured the group, who’d started to scatter in fear.

Like birds, the swarm changed its shape while flying in synchronicity and eventually everyone sat down to watch. Light reflected off the swarm, giving it the appearance of being blue and purple from certain angles.

We were given an inspiring show, and even Sebastian, transfixed by the creatures, cheered up. This wasn’t our home, but for now, it would do.

I believed in Natalie. But in my experience, the task like the one she had ahead of her, usually led to death. And there was nothing beyond the God Realm for her soul to ascend to. I could only pray for things to be different this time.

Ruby and I had paid with our lives on Earth, but we’d been given peace… At least, I had. Poor Ruby had woken up in the middle of this mess. Regardless, Natalie needed to live. She’d save the realm and make it the afterlife it once was—for Ruby, herself and everyone else.

“Goddess,” I silently prayed. “Protect Natalie, keep her safe and watch over my son as well. We’re here if you need us to rejoin the fight. And we’re ready.”

I leaned over and rested my head on Will’s shoulder. The pack was safe for the moment, allowing me to let my guard down and close my eyes. When I jerked awake, Will pulled me close to him.

“Sleep,” he whispered. “I’ll wake you if I need you, okay? Get some rest.”

I nodded. “Okay,” I closed my eyes with a sigh, the exhaustion I was keeping at bay settling in my bones and I yawned. “Okay.”


“I had to do something,” I said, looking warily at Lucian. His eyes had changed to that of his wolf and the veins on his neck pushed against his skin.

He’d caught me red-handed, and as expected, he was livid.

Brian left the room, giving us some space, but a part of me wanted him to stay. I didn't want to argue with Lucian, but I wasn’t sorry for what I’d done, either.

“Cedric could have killed you!" Lucian growled. “I saw what he did to you at his castle. He had total control of you! What if he'd done that same thing again, taking control of your mind? He’d have you and Rumir.”

“Cedric wants me to join him,” I argued. “That, as well as our sire bond, gave me what I needed to reach out to him. While everyone’s running around trying to find him and Rumir, I managed to speak to him."

“And what did you learn?” Lucian shot back. “Anything? And why do I see a hand print around your neck?”

I held my throat and turned away. "I didn't see much in his mind—just a mountain. And there are so many goddamn mountains in this realm. But I tried Lucian. I tried, and I'll try again if it means saving Rumir.”

“No, you won’t!" he growled. "I told you I'd trust you to do what you needed to do, but I won't support foolish risky acts that offer little solution.”

"We've been taking risks!" I said with frustration. "We've been taking risk after risk, chasing leads left and right, and we're still losing this war! You saw what happened last night!"

“I did,” he said, nodding. "I was there. But I have a right to be worried about you right now. You're sick, Natalie. I know you are!”

He grabbed my arm, and before I could stop him, he pulled my sleeve up. Then he froze, his eyes fading from black to brown, and I turned away from the horrified look on his face.

“Natalie,” he called softly, and I pulled my sleeve down. The bruise marks on my arm had spread down to my fingers, so I couldn't hide them anymore. “What’s happening to you? Talk to me.”
