Page 37 of Wolf Embraced

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Ifollowed Cyrus through the halls of his castle. His home—with its ivory walls and air perfumed with lavender and honey—was so different from the dark realm beyond its borders.

He lived in the more welcoming part of the underworld. Of course, his and Skye's castle was filled with demons, because Cyrus was in charge of the Legion once led by his mother.

He now held the title of Lust, one of the deadly sins, but surprisingly, the demons we walked by were polite, bowing to their prince and me as well. There was curiosity sent my way—and desire, of course, since this place was crawling with sex demons—but there was also order and respect.

“How are Elinor and Will?” Cyrus inquired. “They’re safe, aren't they?”

I nodded. "They are. There have been casualties within their pack, but they're fine."

“Who knew the afterlife could crumble,” he said. "We've been hearing bits and pieces about what's happening. Skye's been worried sick about Elinor. We haven't been together in centuries, but Skye took comfort in knowing Elinor was happy and well in the God Realm.”

“I know,” I replied. “Now, the God Realm is about as safe as the underworld.”

We continued in silence until we reached a large white door that opened when Cyrus approached. Inside was a library of white and ivory going up several stories. The shelves, books, furniture, and décor were cream and white, and a woman dressed in a yellow dress stood up at our arrival.

Skye looked at Cyrus, then at me, a crown of gold sitting atop her black curls, and her brown eyes flashed black, revealing her wolf.

I knew she could feel it—the bond between creator and the created that told her who I was without asking.

“Werewolf Goddess,” Skye muttered, closed the book she was holding.

"Hello, Skye," I said. She placed her fist over her heart without hesitation, and bowed her head, I returned the gesture of respect and greeting. “It’s nice to finally meet you in person.”

Cyrus stood beside her, his pale skin and her dark complexion contrasting, and I smiled at how perfect they looked together. They were chosen mates, having picked each other as children.

“Are you here about Elinor?” Skye asked, taking Cyrus's hand. I could tell it was a reflex reaction, reaching for her mate. “Is she okay?”

"She's fine," I replied, when Cyrus motioned for me to sit. "I'm here to speak to you both, but specifically you, Cyrus."

Skye frowned and sat down as well, but Cyrus remained standing beside her. I gave them a summary of what was happening in the God Realm with the virus and the theory Natalie and the others had come up with about demons not being affected by the virus.

"It's only a matter of time before Cedric attacks Earth. But while we're defending the God Realm, there won’t be anyone to send to Earth," I explained. "Your Legion turned the tides in a war once before, Cyrus. Do you think you might be able to do it again?"

Cyrus and Skye exchanged glances, a silent conversation between them, but from Skye's sad expression, I knew Cyrus's response to my plea wasn't going to be good.

“My father still hasn’t cured Skye of the vampire venom in her system,” Cyrus said, laying a hand on her shoulder. “The cost of taking the Legion to Earth the last time was that I would return to the Demon Realm permanently.”

"Then I was bitten during the war, and I became another tool the Demon King could use to keep Cyrus trapped here," Skye added.

I nodded. "I know. I know how the war played out, and I'm sorry," I said.

Skye shook her head. "I'm here with the man I love, and the underworld hasn't been too unkind to me, to be honest." Skye smiled. "But I can't leave, and neither can Cyrus."

"I control the Legion in this realm, but my father would have to approve me sending it to the Mortal Realm. And he's not going to allow that." Cyrus stepped away and clasped his hands behind him.

"Unless I pay the price for his help," I said. Cyrus looked at me over his shoulder. "I'm very much aware of what your father's like, Cyrus. I came to you first, hoping I wouldn't have to speak to him, but it seems now I'll have to."

I exhaled heavily.

I'd hoped to solve this without seeing the Demon King. I wasn't sure how I'd react upon setting eyes on him again, although I knew my goal for this visit was more important than my need for vengeance.

"I'll speak to him on your behalf," Cyrus said, returning to Skye's side. "To be honest, I don't see a discussion between you two being very civil, and I don't think you have the time to fight with my father."

“I’ve been told that already, yes," I grumbled. "But I can't leave without his help. The Mortal Realm is in danger, and the Demon Realm is our only option. He'll just have to see reason. When Cedric’s finished with the other realms, he'll also be making his way here.”

“You know, I’m a little offended I wasn’t invited to this meeting," a familiar voice said to my left, and I stood up, as did Skye, who Cyrus immediately positioned behind him. “Now, imagine my surprise when I heard a goddess was visiting, and I wasn't told."
