Page 38 of Wolf Embraced

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The space before one of the shelves shimmered, and a man stepped out of thin air and into the room. My body went numb, and the room sizzled with my power.

The Demon King smiled at me, strands of his black hair brushing against his forehead. He was built like Zeus and any other god, tall and powerful…even if his power had been born in this vile place.

He had an advantage over the gods: he didn't need prayer to survive—much like the dragons. So while he wasn't actually considered a god, he was one, in his own perverted way.

“Hello, Morana, how long has it been?” he said with a smile that I wanted to claw from his face. He'd learned my true name from my sister, and hearing it on his lips made my skin crawl. “How are you?”

I didn’t answer. I couldn’t.

My lips were glued shut, and my feet stuck to the ground as I tried to stay calm. The man before me had taken my other half from me. He’d caused my sister's death, yet he was still living, breathing, smiling when she wasn't.

He chuckled. “Aren’t you here to beg for my help, Goddess? You’ll need to speak to do so, but either way, I'm going to enjoy this."

My body acted instinctively. For centuries, I'd thought of this moment. But in every scenario, I’d imagined I’d be attacking this bastard and making him suffer. When I’d decided to come down here, I'd thought I could keep it together. But I couldn't.

The Demon King and I collided and were thrown against a shelf. The force of our powers meeting sent other shelves flying, and Cyrus's wings cocooned Skye, shielding her from the flying books and debris.

The Demon King and I tumbled through the room until my fist connected with his face, the sound of his nose breaking like music to my ears, and his red wings, like Cyrus's, made an appearance.

His clawed hand held my throat, his nails piercing my skin as he pressed me into the cracking wall, and I released a blast of power that sent him tumbling away from me.

He recovered in seconds, and feathers from his wings came shooting my way, engulfed in flames. I screamed, releasing a telekinetic wave that disintegrated each feather, and Skye covered her ears below us.

“You're hurting her, Morana. I thought this was a friendly visit,” he laughed, pinching his nose and snapping it back into place. “Are you going to tell me why you're so upset, or should I guess?”

"You killed my sister," I growled, and his face became expressionless.

“Your sister came here willingly.”

“Megumi wanted peace between the Demon Realm and God Realm!” I shouted. “She came here on behalf of the gods, and you trapped her! You defiled her! She and I were connected, you sick fucking monster! I felt her pain!"

I pulled my hood down, and darkness spread through the room from my hair. It encircled Skye and Cyrus, avoiding them, but everything else was consumed like a black hole.

The Demon King’s skin turned a pale grey, and horns began to protrude from his forehead with another pair on both sides of his head and two more at the back. The feathers on his wings shed away, revealing bat-like wings and his eyes hollowed into black pits of darkness.

When Cyrus moved as if to join the fight, his father pointed at Skye. Cyrus growled but remained where he was, and Skye held his arm. They couldn't move against the Demon King, and the horned bastard knew that.

Wraith demons exploded from his chest, ghastly creatures with rotting flesh and lower bodies made of smoke. My claws sliced at them, cutting them to shreds, but they kept coming, grabbing my body.

Every time one of them touched me, they fed on my life force, and shadow creatures appeared at my command from the darkness in the room.

They were humanoid, but their bodies were contorted, twisting at odd angles. One attacked the Demon King, whose claws only went through its body as if he were fanning smoke. He roared in agony when they proved capable of hurting him, biting into his wings, legs, shoulder, and side.

Darkness, like poison, began to spread across his skin from their bite and blue sparks appeared on his fingertips.

“Goddess!” Skye yelled from below, but her warning came too late.

I'd seen the Demon King's attack coming, but still, I was too slow to react. He went off like a bomb, his body swallowed up by blue flames that burned through the room, eating away at the darkness and even the creatures he’d used to attack me.

The flames latched onto me, burning through my skin, and I screamed when I felt claws dig into my stomach.

“You weren’t strong enough to kill me before, Morana!” he growled at my face. “What made you think it would be any different this time? Remove the spell concealing your face, my love. Let me see the scars I gifted you.”

I was thrown to the ground, my spine breaking on impact. The Demon King flew up to hover over me, his mouth curved with a sinister smile, and my vision blurred.

“I’ve never feared any of you gods, and I don't fear Cedric," he said with smug surety. "Why should I help save the gods or the Mortal Realm? I say good riddance. But you came here and attacked me in my realm unprovoked. That can’t go unpunished.”

I grimaced as I tried to stand. My spine was healing but not fast enough, and the burns I’d suffered weren't healing at all.
