Page 39 of Wolf Embraced

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When he started falling towards me, his intent to kill as clear as day, Cyrus rushed forward to my aid. But I couldn’t let him or Skye get hurt because of me. Cyrus hated his father, but he needed to stay in line, or Skye would become a vampire.

Using my telekinesis, I pushed Cyrus and Skye away because I wouldn't be trounced despite what the Demon King thought.

Even if I had to force it out of him and die in the process, he would send his forces to Earth. I just needed to stand up!

When a burst of red mist appeared over me, there was an explosion of power, and the Demon King was sent flying through a nearby wall. I glimpsed white hair and closed my eyes, sighing even as I shook my head.

Natalie stood up from her crouched position, red mist rising from her body. She glanced at me over her shoulder and pointed to the wall the Demon King had vanished through.

"Goddess, is this guy bothering you?" she asked, and Skye and Cyrus moved to my side and helped me stand.

"What are you doing here, Natalie?" I growled. When the Demon King stepped out of the hole in the wall, I cried, “Watch out!”

I pushed Skye and Cyrus back, and Natalie was covered from head to toe in blue flames.

“No!” I shouted as Natalie’s screams boomed through the room, and then suddenly, she went silent. Her arms were outstretched on either side of her, and the Demon King's hollow eyes turned to normal. “Natalie?”

To everyone's shock, she was absorbing the flames.

“You must be the Enchanted I’ve heard so much about,” he said as Natalie brushed at her clothes that were untouched by the flames. "How impressive," he whispered. "My flames won't kill a god, but to be completely unaffected by them? That's unheard of. You must truly have the power of a primordial."

Natalie didn’t respond, but kept staring at the Demon King until he frowned.

“I’m not here to beg or negotiate,” Natalie growled. "If Earth falls, this place will overflow with souls, and I can’t imagine that’s going to be fun for you. Then Cedric will come for this realm, too. And if you think my powers are impressive, just wait until you meet him and the countless other chaos users he creates that are as powerful as him. Put your ego aside, or you'll lose your precious kingdom."

Natalie didn’t blink even once as she spoke to the Demon King. She’d grown so much in the last little while. And now she was here in the Demon Realm, facing off with a demon many gods avoided.

“Cedric will come,” she continued. “And when he does, there will only be you and the army he'll have from all the other realms. Make your choice. But I won't let you hurt my family.”

“Your family?” the Demon King asked.

Natalie pointed at me. “The Goddess is my mother-in-law,” she said. "Or didn’t you know? I'm mated to her son."

The Demon King laughed. The sound thundered through the room until he stopped and wiped at the blood on his cheek.

“Yes,” he grumbled. "I’d forgotten about that, but my answer is still no. Still, I am curious. How much can you take?"

Both of them acted simultaneously, Natalie releasing her chaos and the Demon King releasing his flames. Their powers met, fighting to push each other back, and wraiths crawled from the Demon King's body.

When Luna leaped out of Natalie's body to attack the Wraiths, the Demon King laughed. The bastard was having fun, just as he'd had fun with my sister, but his joy was short-lived.

Natalie's sleeves burned away due to her chaos, exposing both her arms that were bruised and discolored. She was going to release the chaos she'd absorbed in the city, I thought to myself, and Luna slaughtered the last of the Wraiths before joining with Natalie once more. Luna’s stored power added to Natalie’s and her hair rose up to float around her, as red zaps of electricity danced down her arm. When the Demon King’s power pushed Natalie back, hers pushed his back twice over.

“Let’s make a deal!” Natalie shouted to him. “If I win, you help us!”

“And if you lose?” he asked with a grin that made my stomach clench.

But Natalie only smiled. “Then I stay here,” she answered. “In the Demon Realm.”

“What?” I shouted and the Demon King released a blast of power that sent Natalie sliding back.

She caught herself before he could get too much of an upper hand and gritted her teeth to remain steady. The Demon King now had ample motivation to give his all. But then again, so did Natalie.

The red veins on her arms started to glow and she glanced at me.

"Leave!" she shouted, and I held onto Skye and Cyrus without debate.

I didn’t like this deal between her and the Demon King, but Natalie wouldn’t have agreed to it unless she was sure of herself. She’d told me she would put the chaos she’d consumed to good use and the Demon King was already straining under the weight of her power. He’d easily overpowered me but Natalie was holding her ground so far. He also had no idea what else she had up her sleeve—literally.

I teleported outside with Cyrus and Skye, where demons were gathered in a garden, all confused at the bombardment of power in the air. There was a sudden boom from inside the castle and the Demon King’s roar of agony caused the ground to shake beneath us. It was the sound of a mighty beast being brought to its knees, and Cyrus held Skye close. There was another boom and the demons started panicking, while I closed my eyes to savor the sound.

When a part of the castle exploded, and a wave of chaos threw us back, I fell to the ground but laughed. Natalie’s power filled the air. A tower of chaos leapt into the sky, much like the ones that were destroying the City of Souls.

This tower fell, like a crashing building and another push sent trees, demons and everything in its range, flying. Cyrus pulled Skye close, his wings covering them both and I sank my nails into the ground so I wouldn’t be blown away.

Silence followed and I knew the Demon King had just gotten what he deserved.

“It’s done,” I whispered to Megumi, finally letting go of my sister. “It’s finally done.”
