Page 42 of Wolf Embraced

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I teleported with the Goddess but not before seeing Skye throw herself at Cyrus. They were trapped in hell together but seemed so happy and in love. From Elinor’s stories, I'd known Cyrus was nothing like his father, and meeting him now, I’d had the chance to see it for myself.

He clung to Skye's side, and the way he looked at her was how Rumir and Lucian looked at me. They were from different worlds and different species, but they’d found love despite it.

That was the purest form of love. And like Elinor and Will, they were a true inspiration.

One problem was now solved, leaving us with one more—killing Cedric and ending the war.

* * *


The Kruards had reported to Queen Nuada earlier this morning that there had been another attack on the City of Souls. The report came in after the battle had been won by Natalie and the others.

I was relieved to know they were okay. After Natalie left for Esavale and Lucian and Rumir accompanied her to the Dragon Territory, we’d been left in the dark. We heard no updates from the Kruards since they weren’t allowed in the Dragon Territory.

It's been nerve-racking waiting, unsure of what was happening, and we were floored to find out there had been another battle.

According to Queen Nuada's report, all the uninfected souls from the City had been sent to another realm with Hekate. And I’d learned that Brian had been spotted with Natalie. The joy I'd felt hearing the news that he was okay was indescribable. Queen Nuada had sent word back to the city asking if Ruby and I could join the others.

Cedric could still use one of us as bait—or worse—but I couldn't just sit here any longer. Even Axel was getting anxious, and Ruby was training night and day, learning to fight as a human and wolf hybrid.

The Kruard territory was as peaceful as ever, and there was nothing to do outside of training. Sitting at a window overlooking the sandy territory, I basked in the silence because, bored and anxious as I was, I'd be going back to a war zone when I left here.

So when the trumpets in the city went off, I jumped to my feet and almost threw myself out the window. We'd heard the same trumpets when we arrived, but as I hung out the window to see if Natalie and the others were returning, I saw something else instead.

The bright sky was turning red.

Slowly I pulled my body back through the window as I stared at the sky in horror. A red shadow was cast over the world, and the door to my room flew open.

Ruby and I stared at each other, both of us sporting the same look of panic. Something was happening. We ran from the room together, and didn’t stop until we were met by Axel and Queen Nuada.

“What’s going on?” I asked the Queen. “The sky is a different color."

“It’s been reported that this is happening throughout the realm,” Queen Nuada replied.

She was wearing a gold dress that clung to various parts of her body as if the fabric was wet. She also wore a gold headband with an extended piece pointing down her forehead.

“What does it mean? This can’t be good,” Ruby said, voicing my thoughts. “Especially with what happened last night in the City of Souls.”

"There's something else you all should know." The Queen moved into a side hall, and we followed, allowing Kruards to move past us. “The Goddess and Natalie made a trip to the underworld.”

“What?” Ruby and I exclaimed simultaneously.

“What the hell is happening?” Ruby pushed her damp hair back. “Why would they go to the underworld?”

"That, I do not know," the Queen replied. "This was only just reported. However, what is important is that they've found the one responsible for the virus. Ash is Cedric, Rumir’s father. And he’s taken Rumir.”

“Cedric?” I repeated with shock. "That can’t be. And what do you mean, he’s taken Rumir? Why would he hurt his own son?”

“There was a fight in Aerilon, and Cedric escaped. But before he did, he bit Rumir, infecting him, and then took him with him. I don’t doubt Natalie and the Goddess’s reasons for journeying to the underworld are related to that or perhaps, the war itself. But I hope demons aren’t being recruited to come to the God Realm.”

“Let’s hope not,” I agreed.

"Who is this Cedric?" Axel asked.

I sighed, trying to picture Cedric as Ash. And as much as the guy was an ass, I couldn't see it. “He’s Rumir’s father," I explained, "and the Dragon King. I don’t understand. Why would he do this?"

“I guess we’ll find out soon enough,” Ruby said, taking Axel’s hand. “We have to go and join the others.”
