Page 43 of Wolf Embraced

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"I agree," I said.

Queen Nuada nodded. “I believe it’s time, yes. Since Natalie and the Goddess are gone, and my Kruards could not contact Lucian, I'm unsure if it's safe for you all to leave. But" —the Queen sighed—"things aren't looking good outside, and my people and I need to prepare to defend our home. We'll be going into a total lockdown. If you don't leave now, I'm afraid you won't be able to.”

"We understand." I placed my fist over my heart. "You've done so much for us already, Queen Nuada. Thank you.”

She bowed, and Ruby and Axel placed their fists over their hearts and bowed as well.

I couldn't imagine what Natalie was going through right now, with Rumir gone. I hoped she hadn’t been acting on impulse when she’d decided to visit the underworld. And I couldn't even say that having the Goddess with her was a good thing. After all, Rumir was the Goddess’s son. She was probably losing it right now as well.

I only hoped Rumir was okay. We weren't the closest of friends, but we'd all grown very close during this war. And I loved Natalie like a sister. The loss of one of her mates wasn't something I ever wanted her to face.

“We’ll be ready in a few minutes,” I told the Queen. “Then we’ll leave.”

She nodded and walked away, and the trumpets started once more. I now assumed they were a warning to everyone. But to me, it was a signal that the real war was beginning. Cedric was escalating things if the red-painted sky was now throughout the realm.

I only hoped Natalie and the Goddess had been successful in whatever they’d been trying to do, because otherwise, we were all screwed.
