Page 49 of Wolf Embraced

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After hearing Zeus's orders, my parents and I looked at each other. Earth? Why would the Goddess want them sent to earth if demons were already there?

"Skye," Mom whispered to Dad. "Maybe she and Cyrus will be there."

“Maybe,” Dad replied. “We have to go.”

A few minutes ago, with a flash of light from the portal over our heads, my parents had appeared, and we'd embraced each other as if centuries had gone by. But within seconds, we were all under attack again. Then Zeus appeared to relay instructions from the Goddess.

“Hey!” Zeus shouted at us, his hand around the throat of a witch. “Leave! Now! A portal’s open under the Goddess’s temple! It’ll take you underground to the portal in Urgron City.”

I didn't want to leave this fight behind, but I wouldn't let my parents go to the Mortal Realm without me.

“I’m coming!” I shouted over the chaos. “There’s no way you’re going without me.”

“Well, the Goddess did say to take who we wanted,” Mom said, as her claws beheaded a Gorgon.

"Leave!" Zeus shouted again, his voice like a clap of thunder. And we did, killing infected souls left and right as we ran.

"Wait!" A familiar voice called out to us, and a massive black wolf in his final form ran out in front of us. Ruby joined the wolf, who I figured was her mate Axel, and Mom embraced her.

“Ruby…” Mom released her. “You’re safe, thank the Goddess.”

The glass from a building above us shattered, sending glass to the ground below, so we continued running.

"You're going to the Mortal Realm, right?" Ruby asked as she ran with us, keeping up easily. “Axel and I want to come.”

"If you do, you can't see Xavier," Mom shouted over the noise. "This won’t be that kind of visit. You can’t let him see you."

Ruby looked disappointed, but she nodded.

“Where’s Rehema?” I asked. “I thought she was with you two in the Kruard territory?”

"She was," Ruby replied. "She came back with us, but we got separated just now. We tried to find her after we were thrown off a balcony, but didn’t have any luck. But she’s definitely somewhere in the city."

I searched the cluster of bodies fighting to the death for Rehema, now torn about going to the Mortal Realm or staying here to search for her.

“She’s okay, I’m sure," Ruby said.

I nodded. Rehema was a capable woman; in many ways, she was stronger than me. I didn't doubt that she was okay, but I needed to speak to her.

I needed to see her, and hold her…and tell her how I felt.

“You can stay and look for her,” Dad said. “We can take care of things on earth.”

“No,” I growled. “I’ll come with you. I’ll see Rehema when we get back. Hold on,” I told everyone. “I’ll teleport us to the temple.”

My decision made me uneasy because I felt like I was abandoning Rehema, but I was sure we’d get the time we needed to talk later. The Mortal Realm needed all the help it could get, even with the demons already sent there.

While she fought here, I'd fight there. And at the end of this war, I was going to make her mine. My chosen mate.

* * *


We stepped out into the Mortal Realm with hundreds of wolves following. Souls who had been born in the Mortal Realm were eager to return and protect it.

I was caught off-guard by all the demons—there were thousands of them—and the battle had already begun. There was a portal in the sky, and infected souls and animals from the God Realm were falling from it like raindrops.
