Page 50 of Wolf Embraced

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There were areas on the ground that was already heavily infected, and the mist was spreading.

We’d expected the virus to infect people here, adding to Cedric’s army. But we never dreamed that Cedric would also be sending infected souls.

Axel, who’d changed into his human form to cross through the portal, began to shift. Ruby's eyes turned black, as did Mom's, and black veins crawled up Dad’s cheeks to his eyes.

Ruby ran off, charging into the fight with Axel by her side. The werewolves behind us rushed forward, howling in their desire to protect their old home.

“Elinor!" a woman called from our left, and the second Mom looked, she ran off.

“Skye!” Mom shouted. Dad vanished, beheading the two witches heading in Mom and Skye’s direction as both women embraced each other.

They almost fell over when they collided, and Cyrus, I assumed from his red wings, descended from the sky. He and Will nodded at each other, them came together for a brief guy hug.

“It’s good to see you,” Cyrus said to Dad. “We’re finally free.”

“Finally,” Skye repeated, releasing my mom.

It was like the battle was avoiding them for this brief moment, allowing them to catch up, until I noticed that we were surrounded by demons, perhaps at Cyrus's command, keeping the infected at bay.

"I've missed you so much." Mom's voice trembled as she spoke.

"And I, you," Skye replied.

Cyrus hugged Mom next, picking her up and swinging her around. For a brief moment, I imagined them as young supernaturals, trying to find their way and being thrown into the middle of a war, much like myself and Rehema.

“This is our son.” Mom called me over. “Brian. Brian, this is Skye and Cyrus.”

Skye hugged me. I wasn't expecting it, but she was just like Mom described her. I held her, and over her head, Cyrus laughed.

"Honey, he can't breathe," he laughed, as did Mom and Cyrus. "It's nice to finally meet you, Brian. I've heard about you, even in the underworld—, the first and only werewolf/vampire hybrid."

“Really?” I asked when Skye released me.

“Yes,” she replied. “Unfortunately, Cyrus’s father likes to keep an eye on unique individuals, like you.”

"He should look elsewhere," Mom growled.

Cyrus touched her shoulder. "Don’t worry. He wouldn't dare lay a hand on Brian.”

“Watch out!” Dad shouted as a Florkin came flying towards us as if it was thrown.

Cyrus leaped off the ground, engulfing his entire body in blue flames. He and the Florkin collided, and the demons around us disbursed. The reunion was over. It was time to join the fight.

Mom shifted into her white wolf final form, and Skye shifted into her first form, an impressive brown wolf.

I quickly lost track of time as I waded through the wave of infected.. There was no end to them. Luckily, whenever an infected managed to bite a demon, the demon would only throw up and get back in the fight.

The virus had no effect on them. I had been right after all.

We were outnumbered, though, perhaps three infected to a demon. But everyone was giving their all, and most demons were stronger than two infected combined.

I found Ruby in the mayhem, fighting a fae, but saw a Cyclops running straight for her. He was foaming at the mouth, trampling everything in his way. Axel, pinned down by three infected, didn't notice Ruby was in danger.

I ran, the world blurred, and I pushed Ruby out of the way just as the Cyclops swung his spiked wooden club. The witch Ruby was fighting was impaled through the chest, but one of the spikes ripped through my left thigh, shattering the bone.

The Cyclops swung its club again, this time at Ruby, but she ducked. I wasn’t so lucky, though. When the club finally hit the earth, I was sent flying, bouncing on the ground from the impact.

“Ruby! Run!" I shouted, blood filling my mouth. Several ribs had broken and had, without a doubt, punctured some of my organs.
