Page 53 of Wolf Embraced

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A strange sensation suddenly overtook me. I looked around the shed, then down at my arms where the hairs were standing on end. What the hell was that? I hadn’t only felt a strange power rush by me, but also my mate bond to Ruby. How? It was gone in seconds but I knew what I felt.

No matter how much time passed, even if I forgot Ruby’s voice, I’d never forget the feeling of our mate bond.

Laying a hand over my heart, I tried to make sense of what I'd just sensed, when Dad called from outside. I rushed out, and my mouth fell, my wolf growling threateningly.

The leaves on all of the trees were dying right before our eyes.

Panicked screams and howls could be heard in the forest, no doubt from everyone seeing the same thing. I howled, and the sound echoed through the woods to all wolves, a command to get to the packhouse.

The trees, grass, and all greenery was dying.

“Did you feel that just now?” Dad asked.

“Yeah,” I answered. “It was like a pulse of some kind. Something’s wrong here. Something's going on."

Dad growled. “This better not be the start of another war.”

“There’s something else,” I murmured, watching as wolves came running out of the forest towards the packhouse. “I felt Ruby,” I whispered to Dad as I waved for everyone to get inside.

“Ruby?” he whispered low enough so no one would hear him. “Are you sure?”

I nodded. "I'm sure I felt her, Dad. For a second, I felt our bond.”

“What the hell does that mean? She’s….

"I know," I replied. "She's dead, I know. But I also know what I felt."

The trees continued to die, and the sky darkened as if a storm was coming. There was a heaviness in the air, a power I'd never felt. I wasn't sure if it was good or bad whatever was going on. Yes, the trees were dying. But I had felt Ruby.

What did that mean?

"Come on, we need to make sure everyone's inside the house," I told Dad. He started shifting to head into the forest.

I looked up at the sky and placed my hand over my heart. I hadn't imagined it. I hadn't.

“Ruby?” I called under my breath. I hated this feeling of hope. The impossible had happened when she’d been possessed by the Goddess. Why couldn’t it happen again? "Ruby?" I called again, but didn’t feel anything.

I was as empty as I was before.

Holding my head down, my attention fell on the pack, the people who needed me. No, I told myself, she was gone, and thinking otherwise would only make me hurt myself. Right now, it looked like we were facing another challenge.

Whatever it was, it had picked the wrong time to mess with the Blackmoon Pack—and the wrong fucking time to mess with me.

* * *


In the real Urgron City, the Goddess and I found a war like nothing I'd ever seen. The sky was a red canvas, casting a hellish shadow over the realm. Infected souls and animals were attacking everything in sight, and I was faced with bloodshed like I'd never seen.

On earth, vampires slaughtered everything, which was gruesome, but this was somehow worse. Because the infected were the enemy against their will. They were puppets tied to strings that would only free them through death.

It made this war that much harder to watch—and they were fighting harder than ever. This drive to kill—it was Cedric’s, not theirs.

Once we won this war—because we would—what kind of realm would it be, rising on the bones of the souls losing their lives right now?

My chaos poured from my hands and covered the ground like a heavy mist. The Goddess teleported, joining the fight, and I reached out to as many infected minds as possible. Getting access was easy. Wading through the sea of chaos was not.

The infected’s minds were so very broken. Unfortunately, no matter how hard I searched, I could find no clue of Rumir’s location.
