Page 10 of Until You Can't

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Samantha rushed to greet her son and hoisted him in her arms.

“What happened?” Owen asked, noting the harsh looks on our faces.

“Come on, not out here,” I suggested, and we went inside.

Owen took Matthew from Samantha once we were in the kitchen and held onto him as I shared what went down, noticing the veins bulging from his neck as I spoke.

Once I was done sharing, he handed Matthew off to Samantha. His eyes fell to the floor as he processed the information.

I knew Owen. He’d be out for justice.

And in his shoes, I’d feel the same. But this was my brother’s mess, and I didn’t need to drag Owen and his family into this any more than they already were.

“What do you want to do next?” Owen asked, his tone dropping low so Matthew wouldn’t overhear him. “I’ve got your six. No matter how you want to play this.” Owen looked at Samantha as she sat Matthew at the kitchen table. “I know people with the kind of cash you need. I can get it for you. And in the meantime, I can put some guys from Scott and Scott on the case,” he said when I remained quiet. “I can find Anthony’s location. Get eyes on your brother to confirm he’s okay.”

“I’m not letting your friends pay off my brother’s debt. And I don’t want to involve—”

“The second they pointed a gun at my wife, those assholes involved me. I’m helping you no matter what.” Owen folded his arms, steadily eyeing me, daring me to turn him down.

The man was stubborn. No way would he back down. And as much as it pained me, I needed help. “Anthony’s the reason those assholes came into your house in the first place. He told them where to find me, so it’s his fault this happened. Frankly, I don’t think he deserves your help.”

“He doesn’t,” Owen quickly shot back. “But your brother’s still alive, and mine’s not. Let’s keep it that way,” he added, his voice heavy and his stare intense, leaving no room for argument. “After we ensure he’s safe, I’ll be sure to give Anthony a piece of my mind, I promise.” He paused for a breath. “But let my team help you track down his location and see who we’re dealing with. Give me thirty-six hours, and my people will know what these motherfuckers”—he reached into his pocket and wordlessly handed a ten-dollar bill to his wife for the swear jar without missing a beat—“ate today for breakfast.”

I considered his words, knowing I couldn’t turn down his help. “Okay. But let me try and pull the cash together myself.” I could be stubborn, too. And I had two weeks. Miracles could happen.

Owen cocked his head. “How?”

My entire life savings didn’t even amount to a hundred K, but . . .

“There’s one possibility, but it’s a long shot.” I shoved my hands into my pockets as I considered the idea. “My dad forfeited his inheritance when he married my mother. As Dad’s eldest son, technically, the money is still available to me.”

“What’s the catch?” Owen asked.

I closed my eyes and shared, “I just need to get married.”



“Three hundred and sixty-six days.” I eyed the stack of bills on my desk. “We’ve made it one year and a day.”

I leaned back in my chair, trying not to cry. Celebrating the restaurant’s birthday yesterday had been rough.

The smiling.

The dancing.

The champagne my staff sprayed.

Except for one person, no one else knew my smiles were fake.

Or that I was internally crying mid-twirl.

And they certainly didn’t know I had a minor heart attack when they wasted that expensive bottle of champagne by spraying it.

“We’ll make this work. I promise.” I looked up at that “one person” who knew the truth standing in my office.

Enzo closed the door behind him and folded his arms across his chest. Whenever customers spied Enzo outside the kitchen, they never failed to mention how much my friend looked identical to some sexy Italian actor I’d never heard of before.
