Page 16 of Until You Can't

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I swallowed. “I don’t know.” I rolled my tongue over my teeth, replaying our exchange. Why’d the man have to be so irritatingly good-looking? Rugged and rough around the edges, sure. But that only added to his appeal.

“Well, take my car to your date, then.” Mom nodded a few eager times. “You still have time.”

Wait, what? “The date,” I muttered at the memory. “Sorry, but I’ve had too much excitement for one night.” Ryan already had my heart beating far too fast for one evening. “Cancel for me, please?” I darted up the stairs like a teenager in trouble, not in the mood to go head-to-head with her tonight on dating the doctor.

Mom wanted me to marry.

My sister thought I should get laid.

But all I could focus on was the supposed “bane of my existence” and how he’d now be living next door.



“You’re watching that?” I snatched the remote from Mom’s lap and turned off the TV. Anything but SEAL Security. Hell, I’d take that doctor show she used to watch over this.

“Aren’t you the one who told me this is the only show that realistically portrays SEALs? Why shouldn’t I watch it?” Mom sat up and grabbed her coffee mug from the end table by the recliner, watching me over the rim as she waited for a reason I didn’t know how to give her.

When we’d had that conversation, I didn’t mind her watching the series. It gave her a fairly decent glimpse into the life of a Teamguy. But now, it was just another reminder of what I couldn’t do.

“You know the woman who writes the script for the show, right? I can’t remember how.”

“I served with her husband, Luke Scott.”

“That’s right. How could I forget?” Mom took a sip of her coffee and frowned. “Damn. Cold already.”

I took the oversized mug from her. Some things never changed. “I’ll get you a fresh cup.” She followed me into our kitchen, and I couldn’t help but peer out the window and look at the Romanos’ home.

Had Natalia spent the night at her parents’ house? Or maybe she took their car to her place last night? Why do I care?

I loaded the Nespresso machine with a new pod and turned away from the window to face my mother. She had no clue why I’d come home. No way could I tell her Anthony was in trouble and owed nearly a million dollars to some loan sharks.

Once the shock wore off, she’d stress herself out to no end and stage a rescue mission herself.

Anthony was a walking red flag, and Mom pretty much slipped on a pair of shades around him, unable to notice the drama and shit that followed him. He could do no wrong in her eyes.

Mom studied me while combing her fingers through her long, silvery hair, and then revealed, “Natalia’s living at home right now.”

Why was she telling me this now?

And also . . . fuck.

I reached into my pocket in search of money, prepared to offer a twenty, and then remembered I wasn’t with Samantha. Damn, she had me well trained.

I must’ve only sworn in my head, or Mom would have called me out on it.

“Based on your wide eyes, I’m guessing Natalia didn’t tell you that when you rescued her last night?”

I only mentioned my run-in with Natalia because I knew she’d find out from Natalia’s mother sooner or later. Better to rip off the Band-Aid on that one now than deal with the tongue lashing I’d get later for not telling her.

“She put every dime she had into the restaurant. She’s staying home to save some money. Plus, she’s single.” Mom shrugged.

Single because of me. I couldn’t help but wonder if that thought lurked in Mom’s head, too.

It was way too early for this conversation. I grabbed the new cup of coffee when it finished brewing and handed it to her.

“You and Natalia should try and be friends. It’s been twenty years since you last lived here. You won’t know as many people in town as you think. They’ve moved on or changed since high school.”

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