Page 21 of Until You Can't

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But the way Ryan was peering into my eyes, offering to give me what felt like the world right now . . . why’d I feel like he’d also be willing to ease the discomfort between my legs? And do a damn good job at it, too.

But, no. Sex with Ryan? I could never have . . . “Sex.”

Ryan frowned and let go of my chin. “Excuse me?”

Shit, did I just finish my thought out loud? I needed to recover. Quickly. “Are you looking to have sex with a woman, like a one-night-stand kind of thing? Or are you looking for love?”

His brows slanted. “Does that mean you’ll help me?”

“I need to know more before I can even entertain the idea of helping you.”

Ryan grumbled and grabbed his coffee.

“What’s with the mood swings? They change faster than an indecisive toddler with a TV remote,” I jabbed, and he tossed me a dirty look. “What?” I shrugged.

He rolled his eyes before sharing in a much more somber tone, “I need money. I can only access my inheritance if I can prove to my uncle I’m dating someone and in love.”

“You’re joking, right?”

“I wish.”

I thought back to what Anthony had told me years ago. He’d said his grandparents were well off, and his dad turned down the inheritance when he married Laura. Dante’s decision to marry for love over money made me appreciate that man even more.

And there I was needing money over love, and from the sounds of it, Ryan needed both.

“Why? How?” I had way more questions than that, but I’d let Ryan start there.

Ryan went over to our small four-person kitchen table by the window and sat. He set a palm alongside his mug, his eyes on his ring-finger hand. “I just need the money. I don’t want to get into details. But as Dad’s eldest son, I can inherit some money from his side of the family over in Italy.” He paused as if processing some memories. “The original deal required marriage, but I renegotiated the terms. If I can prove to my uncle I’m in a committed relationship, he’ll give me ten percent of the inheritance up front.”

My head was spinning, and before my legs gave out, I moved to sit across from him. “How much is ten percent?”

He swallowed and looked up at me. “One million.”

My eyes were probably all buggy and wide right about now. I bit my tongue instead of asking that “million-dollar” question again—why?

“I only need nine fifty.”

“That’s a pretty specific number.” I thought I had problems. From the sounds of it, Ryan had nine hundred and fifty. Thousand. What on earth did he need that much money for? Was he in trouble?

He drummed his fingers on the table. “I have to fly to Italy a week from tomorrow so my uncle can meet my girlfriend.” He lifted his index finger and pointed at me. “That’s where you come in. I need you to help me find someone.”

“You want me to find you a woman to fake date to trick your uncle into giving you a million dollars? Do you have any idea how crazy that sounds?” I was already back on my feet.

I didn’t realize I was pacing until strong hands grabbed me from behind, holding onto the sides of my arms to stop me.

“I’m sorry to drop this on you, and you’re about the last person I should ask for help,” he began while slowly guiding me to face him, “but I’m in a bind. And the way I see it, you are, too.” His dark brows slashed together again. “I’m asking for your help, and I’m offering you as much help as you need from me in return.” He swallowed. “What do you say? Can we put the past behind us?”

I considered his words, trying to digest them. “Let’s assume I’d be willing to help you find a woman to date. Why in the world would she agree to do this? And a free trip to Italy won’t cut it, trust me.”

He stepped back and shoved his hands in his pockets. “Like I said, I don’t need the full one million. I can pay her to date me.” His eyes quickly thinned. “Not for sex. Just so we’re clear. I might need to kiss her in front of my uncle to make things look legit, but that’s it.”

Set Ryan Rossi up with other women? Why did that thought make me physically ill?

“I’ll fix your Jeep. Drive you wherever you need to go until it’s ready. And hell, whatever else you need from me, just let me know.” The hint of desperation in his tone was unnerving.

What kind of trouble are you in? And was I seriously considering getting involved?

“What makes you think I can even find a woman for you? A woman willing to accept money to fake date you. This isn’t some reality show, by the way.”
