Page 58 of Until You Can't

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Jolting awake, I discovered my sheets strewn at the bottom of the bed with my hand atop my bare chest. I was covered in sweat, and I sucked in several sharp breaths to calm my erratic breathing. Damn, my head is pounding.

The nightmare I’d fought like hell to wake from had been brutal, and now, I was getting my ass kicked by the painful memories it triggered.

It’d been years since I had revisited my time in the SEALs in such a horrific dream.

Sitting up, I rested my forehead in my hand, remembering the other reason my head was hurting. The fight last night. The hit I’d taken above my eye by a pipe had to be the leading contributor to the shit show of a dream I’d just had.

I grabbed a bottle of water I kept by the bed, sucked it dry, then did my best to stand. I had to remind myself I wasn’t in that dream anymore. The blast that had blown me into the air, nearly ripping my limbs from my body, was a shadow of a memory within my sleeping mind.

In nothing but my boxer briefs, I walked over to the window and opened the curtains, allowing the light in. Damn, what time was it? I squinted as I focused in on my watch, still on my wrist from yesterday. It was zero nine hundred. When was the last time I’d slept in that late?

Natalia had been worried about my head last night, and I’d assumed I’d be fine—I’d taken worse. But the throbbing pain in my temple and ringing in my ear . . . not great signs.

After a quick shower, I checked the purple lump at my temple. There was a small gash in the middle of the swollen area. I covered it with a Band-Aid, hoping my mom wouldn’t freak when I went downstairs.

I thought back to the fight last night as I went into my bedroom to call Noah, then shared the ridiculous story with him when he picked up.

“Not to make light of what happened, but it sounds like those punks thought it was an audition for Cobra Kai.”

I laughed. “That karate show on Netflix?” I may have seen a few episodes. “Dad had us watch Karate Kid when Anthony and I were old enough to appreciate it in the nineties.” If I ever had boys, I’d do the same. If . . . fucking if.

“At least it sounds like those guys won’t be touching another woman again.”

“I sure as hell hope not.” Enzo hadn’t seemed convinced last night. But now I wasn’t so sure what to think about him, either.

“I can’t even wrap my head around what my life will be like when my daughter starts dating.”

“Yeah, I . . .” Can’t imagine.

“But I assume you’re calling for another reason?”

“Right.” I regained my focus. “I started thinking about Anthony and this mess. I still haven’t heard from him yet like they said I would, and something is just bugging me about this whole thing.”

“You think there’s more to the story?”

“Maybe. I want to know what my brother was up to before he wound up on house arrest with a Canadian businessman in Ibiza.” I hated that I didn’t trust my brother, but with his history, it was hard to know what to think. “I checked his Instagram. He was in Monte Carlo last week before he went MIA online.”


“Can your team cross-reference his social media pics and pull CCTV footage in the areas he visited in Monaco? I’d like to know who exactly he was hanging out with. And who he owed money to before the Canadian bought up his debt.”

“Roger that,” Noah replied. “Might take a few days to get everything you need. Our technology over in New York is decent, but Owen’s teammates have access to some better stuff. They’re on—”

“You mean Bravo Team?”

“Right.” I could hear his smile slide through the phone. “Anyways. Hang tight. When I know something, you will. And you’re still going through with the plan to get the money from your uncle, right?”

I hung my head at his words. Fake dating Calista felt like the nuclear option at this point. Especially after what happened with Natalia last night.

“I’ll hold the course for now. Unless something changes, I’ll fly to Italy as planned on Friday.” I looked over at my window and set my hand over my mouth, remembering the feel of Natalia’s lips against mine. I swallowed a groan at the memory of her bucking her pussy against my hand.

Last night had been a surprise in more ways than one.

I’d told her the truth I’d harbored for years. And her reaction was to have me touch her. My control had its limits. And it’d been exceeded.

“I know this isn’t an easy situation for you, but I suppose no family’s perfect, right? And if we don’t protect those we love, who will?”

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