Page 75 of Until You Can't

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“Probably our dates.” I put on my lanyard and headed for the door. Swinging it open, I almost stumbled back at the sight of Ryan standing there, wearing the costume I threw together at the last minute. He looked every bit Clark Kent with the black-framed glasses and his dark hair slick and styled to the side.

His dark dress pants and white button-down shirt, sleeves cuffed just below his elbows were enough to turn heads. But the hint of a blue tee and the top of the S peeking out from where he’d undone the top few buttons made the trip to Target for the Superman shirt worth every minute.

I’d been shocked when he’d tossed me the keys to his truck and told me I could take it to the store while he worked on my Jeep. No guy had ever let me drive his vehicle before, especially not Anthony.

“You’re sure?” I’d asked in surprise.

“Just be careful with the curbs, I know you have a thing for them,” he’d teased before ducking back under the hood.

“Hey, you.” Ryan tipped his head, eyeing me with a devilish smile, and I caught my lip between my teeth as my gaze moved to the red and black tie that hung loose around his neck. The things we could do with that later . . .

Le sigh.

“My sexy reporter,” he murmured in a low voice, his gaze traveling from my black pumps up to my gray pencil skirt and over the white blouse beneath the fitted vest. I’d straightened my wavy hair so it hung straight down my back and wore minimal makeup aside from some red lipstick. Lipstick that’d look brilliant on his neck. “You’ll always be my Lois Lane now.” He smirked.

“Well,” I began, sounding a bit breathy, “you’ll always be my Superman.”

“You already have a Batman, I suppose.” The slight twitch of his lips had me wondering whether he was fighting a frown or another smirk.

Was he jealous of my relationship with Enzo? Or still worried about the man in terms of my safety?

Maria came up behind me and poked me in the back. “You two want a minute alone?”

I didn’t have time to consider if she was serious, and how I’d reply, because I spotted Enzo striding down the hall our way in dark slacks and a white button-down shirt that was partially open. “What, no skull face paint?”

“I convinced him to be the Beast after he turns back into a man at the end of the movie,” Maria replied. And was she sounding a little breathy herself? Standing next to Ryan in the doorway, Enzo’s gaze cut straight to Maria.

“Wow,” was all Enzo remarked, and he tossed a hand over his chiseled jawline, studying her. “Clean up nicely, kid.” I couldn’t fully contain my smile as he tried to recover from his “awed” state at the sight of my beautiful sister in a ballgown, looking every bit a princess.

“You too, Daddy,” Maria tossed out sarcastically, giving him a hard time back.

When I turned to peer at her, I saw the color rise in her cheeks as if realizing the way she’d said the word had come across differently than maybe she’d intended. Or had it?

“I’m only eight years older than you, bellissima,” Enzo said, his accent appearing that time. And oh, he dropped a “bellissima” on her. Would my sister melt like I did when Ryan had called me darlin’?

Still married, I had to remind myself. To a cheating asshole, though.

“Anyways.” Ryan waved a hand as if trying to cut the weird tension he detected happening between my married sister and best guy friend. “I do want that minute alone with her, if you don’t mind?” He reached for my hand, urging me into the hall. “In my room.”

“We’ll wait for you here, then,” Maria offered.

Maria leaned in and whispered, “He wants to shove his tongue down your throat in private. Let him shove that tongue wherever else he wants, too.” She needled me in the ribs, and I pulled away, trying not to laugh.

I nodded at Enzo, not exactly sure why, then walked with Ryan to his room three doors down.

Once we were alone, he slowly turned to face me while removing the glasses. His eyes pierced mine, and I found myself whispering a tiny, “Hi.” Because all other words were absent from my brain with that dark look on his face. “Took us three years to get to this party, but we’re here, huh?” Shit, why’d I bring that up?

But he smiled, at least. Then he pocketed the cheap frames and took his time perusing me as if seeing me for the first time. “Turn around.” His surprising, rough order sent a fluttery sensation between my legs, and I obeyed. Hell, he could boss me around in the bedroom all he wanted. And I’d eagerly surrender to him.

I slowly whirled and gasped at the feel of his big hand on my backside.

He flicked my hair away from my right ear and brought his mouth to my neck. I felt his warm breath as he said, “Your ass in this skirt is going to drive me insane all night.”

I closed my eyes, relishing in his touch. “Oh yeah?” I whispered. “What do you want to do to me?”

His hand left my ass, and he circled my waist, pulling his body flush to mine so I could feel his hard length press into me. “Bend you over a desk, hike up your skirt, and enjoy the sight of your ass. Your pussy. Finally see what’s mine.”

“Yours, hm?” My panties were soaked.
