Page 78 of Until You Can't

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“Wasn’t there a Superman versus Batman comic movie?” Okay, maybe I was being a brat now, but I needed to get his mind off the reason we were going to Italy—to save his brother. “I do not want to see that fight, by the way.” I lifted a hand in the air. “Just so we’re clear.”

“He’s nuts if he thinks I’ll really let him join me in Ibiza when I go for my brother,” he reminded me. “You’ll need to talk some sense into him.”

“Yeah, I will. Don’t worry.” I checked the time. It was already ten at night. If everything went smoothly, I could be home by Tuesday night or Wednesday morning, at the latest.

One night away from work wouldn’t be bad, I supposed. My team could handle things without me. And technically, they could survive without Enzo for a few nights. He’d been sick before, and his number two had stepped in and everything had worked out.

I need to learn to let go a little.

“I’m sorry you didn’t get to meet Michael and Kate tonight.” Ryan shook his head in disappointment. “I know you were looking forward to that opportunity. You missed that party two times because of me.”

“Not your fault. Besides, Enzo’s there tonight. He’ll try and get a word in with them. And if not, I’ll figure something else out.” I slid the untouched champagne to the side so I could reach across the table for him. I opened my palm, offering my hand. Two hours ago, his head had been between my thighs, and now we were in the sky on our way to Italy. Seriously. Life is weird. “Never out of the fight, right? I won’t give up.”

He reached for my hand and winked when he gave it a gentle squeeze. “That’s my girl.” But his smile dissolved quickly. “What about your parents?”

Ah, so that’s where your mind is at.

“Will they hate me? Will your dad kill me after he hears your voicemail?” He arched a brow.

“It’s not like I said we’re running away to elope.”

“Just dating your ex’s brother who is taking you to Italy for two days. With zero heads-up. Sure, sure. He won’t wonder.” He let go of a heavy breath as I gave his hand a squeeze. “And you’re going to miss trick-or-treating with Chiara. I know you were looking forward to that.”

“Would you stop being so grumpy? We’re going to get this thing with your brother over with,” I added in a low voice. “You’ll be able to relax once he’s out of trouble. And then we can . . .”

Well, I didn’t know what exactly, but somehow we’d figure that part out next.

“I just think that maybe we should—”

“Wait to be together? Until Anthony’s situation is resolved?” I finished for him, worried he was going to suggest that, so I beat him to the punch.

Within hours, we’d gone from him setting me on the bed and spreading my legs, devouring my pussy, to sitting on a private jet, chaperoned by his uncle’s men, in hopes of getting a million dollars to save his brother’s life. I could understand his mood change.

He had his brother’s safety to consider, and he was conflicted. Angry at Anthony. But obligated to help him anyway. Was he still conflicted about me as well?

“If that’s what you think is best, I understand,” I said softly. I tried to hide my disappointment, but I was pretty sure he’d read it on my face anyway. “We can start with a clean slate. A new beginning.” I was starting to ramble, nerves getting the best of me as I contemplated how I’d survive being alone in a bedroom with him in Italy without touching him. “We spent over a decade behaving,” I went on when his gaze remained undecipherable. “I think we can wait another few days.”

His brows tightened as he tipped his head, continuing to quietly observe me.

“I could find some lavender body wash to use as repellant in the meantime,” I joked, trying to get any kind of reaction from him other than the broody, dark look washing over his features. “I . . . you won’t think about him and the fact he . . .” Oh my God. Was I really asking him if he’d think about Anthony having sex with me on a jet to Italy? What is wrong with me?

Ryan leaned back in his seat and clutched the armrests, his jaw locking tight. He continued to stare at me, perfectly still and silent despite the chorus of insanity continually leaving my lips.

“You’re killing me,” I admitted, then peeked around his chair to check on his uncle’s men. They were wrapped up in the game, so we were still good.

“What do you think you’re doing to me?” he asked in a low, unsettling voice.

It was your idea to behave, but I didn’t need to remind him of the obvious. “I shouldn’t have brought that up. I guess I’m just nervous that will be in your head when we finally, well, you know.” I spun my hand in a circle as if that was the motion a dick made during sex, which was laughable.

But that dark, haunted look in his eyes was doing things to me. Making me both wet and worried at the same time. An awkward and uncomfortable combination.

His nostrils flared. “I need to be very clear about something.” He leaned forward and rested his elbows on the table, clasping his hands together. Casual, yet also like he was struggling not to strangle someone. “I don’t want to think about any man that’s ever had you. Doesn’t matter who,” he murmured in a low, dark tone. “Because it makes me want to commit murder.” He cocked his head, his gaze dropping to my mouth. “We’ll wait until this is over,” he added after a hard swallow, “but I can assure you I won’t be thinking about anything or anyone but you when the day comes that we’re finally together.”



“Thank you for the tour.” Natalia smiled at my uncle’s assistant. She’d shown us most of the Rossi estate, which was more like a mini kingdom that required golf carts to get around.

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