Page 89 of Until You Can't

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The military had been hunting him for years. Hell, my own team had gone after him before. Unfortunately, the intel had been bad, and the mission had been a failure before it even started.

“Of all people for my brother to get mixed up with,” I said as my head fell back and I stared at the ceiling in frustration.

Noah was quiet for a moment before sharing, “My assumption is Hugo dated that model. She has to be the connection between all of this. I don’t have the details, but this is now a Bravo Team mission. Luke, Owen, and the others are being pulled from their current mission and being rerouted to Monte Carlo. This situation takes priority over whatever else they were working on.”

“Wait, what?”

“Hugo is now their HVT. The mission.” Noah paused to let that sink in, and I peered at Natalia, my body trembling at the turn of the events. “They’ll save your brother, too, don’t worry.”

“I’m going, too. Get me the location. I’ll meet them there,” I rushed out. “And don’t you dare try and tell me to stand down on this one.”

“Bravo One has orders—you’re not allowed on the op. You have to trust his team. It’s what they do,” Noah dropped the bomb as gently as possible, and I knew he was closing an eye and turning a cheek, waiting for a metaphorical blow from me over the line.

Bravo One? Has to be Luke. “Luke can kiss my ass when I see him. I’m joining the op. End of story.”

“This is a few levels above us, brother. I’m not allowed on the op, either.”

“I don’t give a damn about rank or chain of command. Their orders can come from the President himself, and nothing would stop me from joining.”

Natalia was now the one pacing, and my shoulders fell at the sight of her.

“It’s not just that. You’re not allowed to operate. Remember?” Like I needed the reminder.

“I’ll wear a helmet. Just get me the location. So help me God, Noah, don’t keep me in the dark on this.” I ended the call, not giving him a chance to argue.

I chucked the phone on the bed, anger spearing me from every angle. I had no clue if Anthony would still be alive by the time we arrived, but I refused to allow Bravo to go without me.

“You’re going,” Natalia said softly. I wasn’t sure if that was a statement or a question, but the sound of her voice broke my heart either way.

I looked over at the crumpled bedding. Making love would have to wait. “He’s my brother, and I can’t have my friends risking their lives for him while I sit on the sidelines.” I stepped in front of her, stopping her, and her hands slid to my bare chest, then she smoothed her thumb over a scar near my heart.

A moment later, I pulled on my linen pants. The fact I didn’t have my own boots to wear into battle would be an inconvenience I’d have to deal with when the time came.

We’d most likely be operating soon, but we’d need to hurry. We didn’t want to be chasing daylight, but we’d most likely be hitting Hugo’s place near sunrise given the hour now.

Hugo had escaped my team in the past, and like hell would I let him get away now. Not when he had my brother, and we were so close to an actual location for him.

“I’m going to take my uncle’s jet. His trip can wait.” Whether he likes it or not. “But I need you to stay here and wait for me. I don’t want you heading home without me, okay?”

“I want to come with you.”

The wobble of her chin nearly destroyed me, and I reached for her jaw. “You can’t. I need you here and safe. I won’t be able to focus on Anthony if I have to worry about you, too.”

“But your head.” Her eyes went to the wound by my temple. “Let your friends do this. From the sounds of it, they can handle it.”

“I can’t do that.” I let go of her face, and her hands fell from my chest.

“I asked you to forgive him. Not die for him.” She angrily swiped at her cheeks as she pulled away from me, resuming her pacing, and it crushed me. She was on the verge of breaking down, and it was my fault.

She came back at me, clenching her hands into fists, setting them to my chest as she bowed her head.

“Don’t do this, please,” she begged, the tears coming down steadily. I stood still, my body tense.

Knowing I could still lose my brother before sunup, regardless if I went to Monte Carlo or not, was starting to weigh on me. I didn’t want to risk losing her, too.

But . . .

“Never out of the fight, remember?” I held her wrists, waiting for her eyes to meet mine. She slowly lifted her head and walked her gaze up to my face. “This is my last mission, though. I promise. But it’s one I have to go on.” I swallowed. “You told me I needed to forgive him. Have no regrets.” I ignored my own tears, focusing on hers instead. “Maybe you’re right.”
