Page 70 of Avoidance

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She shifted her gaze as she took her last sip of water.

“I’ll get us more water, and a few of those chocolate chip cookies. We will talk through this, and you will feel better.”

She nodded. “Maybe a slice of that cake will help, too.”

“You got it.” I made my way to the dessert tables, deep in thought about what to say to Shelly when I returned. It was unlike her to imagine a life without Brody in it. They had been inseparable since they were ten.

“Leave some dessert for everyone else,” T.J. said from behind me.

“Shelly’s having a boy emergency. This is the standard amount of sugar that’s needed for these types of things.”

“And how’s everything going for you with California?”

“Fine, I guess. We don’t really talk much. He’s so busy all the time.”

“I’m still so surprised to hear that you’re with a guy like that.”

I raised an eyebrow and turned to face him. “A guy like what?”

“I didn’t expect you to be with the all-American, Mr. Perfect type.”

I half-laughed. “I don’t know if I should be offended right now.”

“I just meant that you seem like you’d go for someone with a little more…” he trailed off while he searched his mind for the right word. “Substance.”

“Chase has a lot of substance,” I defended. “I used to think the same way you did, but then I got to know him. He’s amazing.”

He raised his eyes to meet mine. “As long as you’re happy, and you’re getting treated right. That’s all that matters.”

“I am.”

“Long distance is hard. It takes a lot of dedication.”

“Well, I’m dedicated.” I shoved his shoulder playfully. “I’m here every night of the week with you, aren’t I?”

He laughed. “Okay. Go bring the cookies for your sugar emergency. We’ll continue this tomorrow.”

“Oh, goodie,” I rolled my eyes.

T.J. grinned. “I should make you drop and give me twenty.”

“But you won’t.” I smiled innocently over my shoulder as I walked back to Shelly. Tanner and Khloe had joined her in my absence. Khloe was resting her head on Tanner’s shoulder, which was the signal that she was getting sleepy.

“We’re going to hit the road,” Tanner said. “Squirt wanted to say goodnight to you first.”

I knelt down beside Tanner’s chair and stroked Khloe’s golden hair. Looking at her was like looking at a mini-sized Chase. It made my heart hurt.

“I’ll see you on Sunday for pancakes, okay angel girl?”

She nodded. “Can we make chocolate chip pancakes?”

“Of course we can.”

Tanner stood with her in his arms. She waved to us one last time before he carried her out the door.

“I wonder what your kid will look like. You’re so dark, and Chase is so light,” Shelly mused, resting her chin in her hand.

“Eat your cake, and tell me what has gotten into you.”
