Page 133 of These Defiant Souls

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“Just watching Z’s girl do her thing on the dance floor.” I elbowed Kye in the ribs and he bent over, grunting in pain. “What the fuck was that for?”

“Keep your eyes to yourself, asshole.”

“I wasn’t… Fuck you, Z. Is this how it’s going to be now?”

“You asked for that,” Nate added with a smirk.

“Says the guy who hasn’t stopped looking at Clo since we arrived,” I pointed out.

“What the fuck, Miller? You been checking out my sister?”

“What? No. I don’t—”

The girls made a beeline for us. I reached for Celeste, pulling her into my side.

“Why are you all standing over here?” she asked.

“Just enjoying the view.” I nuzzled her neck, nipping the soft skin there. “Are you having fun?”

“It’s been… everything. But honestly, I’m ready to leave.”

“Thank fuck,” I said a little too enthusiastically and everyone laughed.

“Such a charmer.” Celeste pressed her hand against my cheek and kissed me softly. “Take me home, Zane Thackeray,” she whispered.

“Actually, we have plans.”

“We do?” Her brows crinkled.

“Yeah, come on.” I glanced at Nate and he gave me a small nod.

The guy was an enigma, but he’d proved himself more than once now, and I was so fucking grateful to have him in our corner.

A few people watched us leave, but I didn’t give two fucks about them. The only people who mattered were the ones by my side and the girl in my arms.

“Oh my God,” the girls all shrieked with excitement as we exited the building and headed toward the stretch limo waiting for us.

“I think I just died and went to heaven,” Chloe said, bouncing precariously on her skyscraper heels. How the fuck she walked in those things, I would never know. But she grabbed Harleigh’s and Celeste’s hands, yanking them toward the door.

“Mr. Miller,” the driver said. “Everything is inside, just as you requested.”

“Thanks, Cliff.” The two of them shook hands before Nate helped usher the girls inside.

“Fuck me,” Kye let out a low whistle. “He wasn’t kidding when he said he could pull this off.”

“I owe him big time,” I murmured.

I didn’t like being beholden to anyone. Especially not the likes of Nate Miller. But I’d wanted to give Celeste one perfect night—the kind of night she deserved—and he’d been more than willing to help. In fact, he’d insisted.

“I hate to admit it, but Miller is a good guy,” Nix said.

“Good enough for Clo?” My brow arched playfully, but Kye didn’t look impressed.

“No one will ever be good enough for my baby sister.”

“Try telling her that.” I flicked my gaze to the limo door where we could just make out Chloe and Nate chatting inside.

“Come on, assholes,” Nix said, motioning for us to get in. “I need some one-on-one time with my girl.”
