Page 40 of These Defiant Souls

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“I meant no offense.” The woman’s expression softened. “You seemed troubled is all.”

“I’m waiting for someone. The group leader said I could hang out here.”

“Of course. We welcome everyone—”

“I gotta go.” I stormed out of there, the jaws of shame nipping at my heels.

* * *

I found Grams talking with a white-haired woman with skin as wrinkled as dried grapes.

“Here he is now, my Zane Thackeray.” Grams beamed, reaching for me.

“I hope you didn’t get into too much trouble,” I said.

“Who, me?” She winked. “This is Martha.”


“They sure didn’t make ’em like you in my day. You look like one of them sexy rock gods—”

“Martha, don’t embarrass the boy.”

“Okay, Grams. Why don’t we get you to the car.” I took her elbow trying to steer her away.

“Such a good boy,” Martha cooed. “I’ll see you next week, Miriam. I’m sure Mr. Clarkson will come up with a solution by then.”

“Mr. Clarkson?”

“Nothing for you to worry about,” she rushed out, shooting her new friend an irritated look. Martha clapped a hand over her mouth with a small gasp.

“What is—”

“Let’s go, dear.” Grams started shuffling away, leaving me to follow.

“What aren’t you telling me?” I hissed, remembering the letter she’d left out on the counter.

“It’s just some insurance claptrap. Like I said, dear, it’s nothing you need to worry about.”

But I couldn’t let it go, and the second I got her situated in the car, I twisted to look at her. “Grams, whatever it is, you can tell me.”



The air turned thick around us. It wasn’t uncommon for the two of us to butt heads. I could be as stubborn as she was, and I refused to let this go.

“You don’t need to protect me. Whatever it is, I can help. I can—”

“The insurance won’t pay out for the new treatment.”

“Okay.” Dread sluiced through me, making my blood run cold. “What does that mean exactly?”

“It means, sweetheart, that I can’t afford it.”

“But that’s bullshit. Doctor Hatfield said the infusion therapy could help, right? Especially since your flare ups are getting more regular.”

“I know, sweet boy.” She released a weary sigh. “I know.”
