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I glanced around. "What the fuck is going on?"

The third man reached out and tried to grab her shoulder. She grabbed his hand and spun around, twisting his hand at the wrist until his arm twisted in an altogether wrong direction. Then Kaya adjusted her positioning and dropped her weight. The sickening crack reverberated off the walls. She didn’t even seem to take in the carnage as she spun on her heel to catch the other perpetrator, who’d recovered from his groin injury, with a spin kick, hitting him in the gut. When he stumbled back, I roared as he approached her again. "Get your fucking hands off her!"

Kaya's eyes went wide, but when she saw who I was aiming for, she spun to deal with the other one. Kaya ran straight for him, did a little hopping skip thing, and lunged herself forward with her knee to his face.

Oh, fucking hell, she’s hot like this.

I didn't have much time to admire her handiwork as I grabbed the other perpetrator from behind, hooking an arm around his neck. He quickly spun out of that hold, leveraging a jack hammer punch. I caught his wrist though, sliding up under it, pushing it away from me and holding it in position with my left hand while delivering straight punches to his face.




Then I reached my hand to his right shoulder and pulled him in for a knee strike. Two of those and he went down groaning, but he still grabbed at my ankles. I sidestepped him. I didn't even consider shooting him until he tried to get back to his feet again. With a groan, I pulled out my tranq gun and finally just fucking shot him.

I whipped around in alarm and found one of the men had his arm around Kaya's throat, pulling her backward. She was clawing at him and trying to make space to breath, but he wouldn't allow it. He just tried to drag her back toward the stairwell.

His friend was on his feet, fist coiled and ready to hurt her. Ready to put his hands on my Kaya.

All I did was kick out, sweep his legs up around and he went down. As he tried to stand, I backhanded him, but he was on his feet, snapping a punch quickly, which I blocked. I aimed to grab his foot, but I missed.

His next attack was fast and furious. I blocked two and got hit with one that rang the hell out of my jaw, and then his foot connected to my gut again. I groaned, but I didn't go down. I just went after him. My fist at the ready, he managed to block almost all of my counter attacks, except for the most important one.

A throat punch followed by a sweep of his legs again and another tranq dart to the heart. As he sagged, his eyes were wide and unblinking.

I could tell he was still breathing by the way his chest rose and fell. I quickly turned back to Kaya, who was now standing, gawking at me and staring at the men who were down. "Who the fuck are you?"

"Kaya, relax. You're okay. I’ve got you. No one is going to hurt you while I'm here, okay?"

Instead of running toward me and jumping into my arms, she was backing away from me, about to run off.

"I asked you a question, Jasper! Who are you?"

And I knew there was no more holding onto my cover. “Listen, you can trust me. Just let me bring you in."

"Bring me in where?"

"To Rogues Division. You're a sitting duck out here."

"What the hell is Rogues Division?"

"It's a place where I work. And they can help you."

She shook her head. "You promised me no more secrets. I think I just found your last one."

She was backing away, likely going to attempt to run on her own. She was not ready for that. I had no choice. As much as it pained me, I had to do it.

One shot from the tranq gun.

Down she went.



My mouth tasted like sawdust.My tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth. What the fuck happened? I lifted my head, and somebody with a rich, deep baritone stopped me. "Easy does it, Sprite. Try and relax."
